Počet záznamov: 1
Názov Lesnictví Súbež.n. Forestry Roč., číslo Vol. 49 no. 7 (2003) Status periodika prijaté (12.09.2003) Báza dát xjcp - PERIODIKÁ - Prijaté čísla Druh dok. BCA - časopisy Počet ex. 3, z toho voľných 0, prezenčne 3 Odkazy PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika ČLÁNKY 2003: Biological activity, nitrogen dynamics, and chemical characteristics of forest soils in the Šumava National Park, Dynamics of health status of forest stands on research plots in the Šumava National Park, Effect of fertilisation on Norway spruce needles, Forest ecosystems of the Šumava Mts. and their management, Introskeletal erosion threat in mountain forests of the Czech Republic, Mountain Norway spruce forests : Needle supply and its nutrient content Odkazy Katalóg - PERIODIKÁ - Súborný záznam periodika Katalóg - PERIODIKÁ - Zviazaný ročník periodika (6) Katalóg - ČLÁNKY Obsah Dynamics of health status of forest stands on research plots in the Šumava National Park / Stanislav Vacek...[et al.] Mountain Norway spruce forests : Needle supply and its nutrient content / Marcela Kovářová Effect of fertilisation on Norway spruce needles / V. Podrázský, Stanislav Vacek, I... Introskeletal erosion threat in mountain forests of the Czech Republic / Stanislav Vacek...[et al.] Biological activity, nitrogen dynamics, and chemical characteristics of forest soils in the Šumava National Park / Miroslav Svoboda Forest ecosystems of the Šumava Mts. and their management / Stanislav Vacek, V. Podrázský nerozpoznaný
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Počet záznamov: 1