Počet záznamov: 1
Potravinové podvody s morskými rybami a metódy ich odhaľovania
Názov Potravinové podvody s morskými rybami a metódy ich odhaľovania Súbež.n. Food fraud with seafood and methods of their detection Aut.údaje Čapla Jozef ... [et al.] Autor Čapla Jozef (12,5%)
Spoluautori Zajác Peter (12,5%)
Čurlej Jozef (12,5%)
Golian Jozef (12,5%)
Benešová Lucia (12,5%)
Jakabová Silvia (12,5%)
Bobková Alica (12,5%)
Zajác Ševcová Katarína 1979- (12,5%) UMBPR17 - Katedra občianskeho a pracovného práva
Zdroj.dok. HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM 42: Zdravotná bezpečnosť a kvalita produktov hydiny, rybolovu a zveriny - aktuálne problémy a trendy : zborník prednášok a posterov. S. 151-163. - Košice : Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach, 2022 / Legáth Jaroslav ; Naď Pavel ; HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM medzinárodná vedecká konferencia Kľúč.slová potravinárstvo potravinové podvody - food fraud Form.deskr. príspevky v zborníku - proceedings papers Jazyk dok. slovenčina Krajina Slovenská republika Anotácia Food fraud prevention and risk mitigation has become a fast-evolving area for both regulatory agencies and auditing bodies, as well as the laboratory testing field. Although fraud is economically motivated, it can also have major public health consequences, for example, when unapproved substances or unlabeled food allergens are introduced into the food supply. Various forms of seafood fraud are known to occur, including species substitution, illegal transshipment, mislabeling country of origin and/or production method, overtreatment, undercounting, and short-weighting. These forms of fraud are conducted globally and have serious consequences for consumers, the seafood industry, international trade, and protected species. Species-specific features, such as size, color, and texture, can be used for differentiation, but this often requires individuals with expert training. In processed seafood products, many of the identifying features are missing and it can be nearly impossible to properly identify a specific seafood product. Important advances have been made to the analytical methods available for detection of fraud, especially with regards to species substitution. These advances have enhanced the capability of regulatory agencies in the monitoring and detection of seafood fraud. Major seafood scandals and market surveys have highlighted the need for increased scrutiny and enforcement of regulations surrounding seafood fraud. Kategória publikačnej činnosti AFD Číslo archívnej kópie 51688 Katal.org. BB301 - Univerzitná knižnica Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici Báza dát xpca - PUBLIKAČNÁ ČINNOSŤ DOKUMENT JE NA CD/DVD
Počet záznamov: 1