Number of the records: 1
Súbor šiestich penziónov: Berlin, Anna, Erna, Pavla, Lívia, Riviéra
Corporation Complex of Six Boarding Houses: Berlin, Anna, Erna, Pavla, Lívia, Riviéra See also Szönyi Andreas Szalatnay - Slatinský Artúr Vécsei Ignác Place Sad Andreja Kmeťa
Origin 1927- 1930 Address Sad Andreja Kmeťa, 11, 43, 45, 76, 78, 80 Descripton The complex was built at the end of the 1920´s, between the years 1927 - 1930, according to a designs by S. Bresciani (Dr. Cmunt), F. Weinmurn a A. Szönyi (Anna, Riviéra), G. Gerenday (Erna), A. Slatinský (Paula), Weinmurn and Vécsei (Lívia). Due to its attractive location, the complex gained a reputation as a plan - air exposition of architecture from the period between the World Wars. The houses that are adjacent to the park were built according to the traditional architecture of that time, however, the group of three buildings on the embankment already captured the spirit of coming functionalism. Citation Architektonické pamiatky Piešťan. Piešťany : Mestská knižnica v Piešťanoch, stredisko PIC, 2004. Supplement 4 4 4 4 corporation
Number of the records: 1