Number of the records: 1
Title Vybíjaná Author info Michal Viewegh; [preklad Pavol Weiss] Author Viewegh Michal 1962- Dalsi autori Weiss Pavol 1962- (Translator) Issue stat. Levice : Koloman Kertész Bagala, L.C.A. Publishers Group, 2004 Scope 217 s., 20 cm Language cze - Czech Country CZ - Czech Republic Note Pre nakladateľstvo vydal Koloman Kertész Bagala, L.C.A. Publishers Group UDC 885.0-31 keywords literatúra česká * romány spoločenské * romány psychologické ISBN 80-89129-27-7 (viaz.) 173 Copy count 1, total, free: 1 File xkni - BOOKS Track No. Call number Department Sublocation Info 177857 B Mestská knižnica Piešťany Beletria
Number of the records: 1