Number of the records: 1
Rigor mortis
Title Rigor mortis Author info Mary Kittredge, Z angl. orig. prel. T. Fusánová. Author Kittredge Mary Issue data Bratislava : Slov. spis. , 1995. - 151 s. Issue 1. vyd. Edition Zelená knižnica Document kind Monografie Language Slovak systematics 820(73)-31 Database xkni - BOOKS Copy count 2, currently available 2, Access to Shelves 2 book
Call number Track No. Location Sublocation Info K 323067 323067 Knižnica Ružinov Bratislava Ústredná knižnica, Miletičova K 323073 323073 Knižnica Ružinov Bratislava Na úvrati
Number of the records: 1