Number of the records: 1
Johan Gottfried Herder
Title Johan Gottfried Herder : 1744-1803 : sein Leben in Bildern Author Döppe Friedrich Another authors Herder Johann Gottfried 1744-1803 (Honoree) Issue data Leipzig : VEB Bibliographisches Institut , 1953. - 42 strán, [40] strán obrazovej prílohy : ilustrácie Language ger - German Country DE - Germany Person keywords Herder Johann Gottfried 1744-1803 Subj. Headings nemeckí filozofi Form, Genre biografie - obrazové publikácie SAVULIT Copy count 1, currently available 0, at library only 1 Document kind biografie book
Call number Location Sublocation Info 2902 Ústav slovenskej literatúry SAV In-Library Use Only
Number of the records: 1