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The reactions of cystine at mercury electrodes
Title The reactions of cystine at mercury electrodes Author Heyrovský Michael Co-authors Mader Pavel Veselá Věra SAVEXFYZ - Ústav experimentálnej fyziky SAV Fedurco Milan SAVEXFYZ - Ústav experimentálnej fyziky SAV Source document Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 369, no. 1-2 (1994), p. 53-70 Language eng - English Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Citations CHEN, S.W. - ABRUNA, H.D. ADSORPTION DYNAMICS OF A PHOSPHOLIPASE A(2) ONTO A MERCURY-ELECTRODE SURFACE. In JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. NOV 23 1995, vol. 99, no. 47, p. 17235-17243. HONEYCHURCH, M.J. - RIDD, M.J. THE EFFECT OF A NONADSORBING ELECTROACTIVE SPECIES ON THE TRANSITION TIME IN DERIVATIVE ADSORPTIVE CHRONOPOTENTIOMETRIC STRIPPING ANALYSIS. In ELECTROANALYSIS. NOV 1995, vol. 7, no. 11, p. 1041-1047. HONEYCHURCH, M.J. - RIDD, M.J. The potentiometric stripping analysis of proteins. In ELECTROANALYSIS. JUL 1996, vol. 8, no. 7, p. 654-660. BANICA, F.G. - FOGG, A.G. - ION, A. - MOREIRA, J.C. 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