Number of the records: 1
Chemiluminiscence accompanying the oxidation of some important polysaccharides
Title Chemiluminiscence accompanying the oxidation of some important polysaccharides Author Rychlá Lýdia 1942- SAVPOLYM - Ústav polymérov SAV Co-authors Ebringerová Anna 1934 SAVCHEM - Chemický ústav SAV Csomorová Katarína 1951- SAVPOLYM - Ústav polymérov SAV ORCID Rychlý Jozef 1944- SAVPOLYM - Ústav polymérov SAV Source document Book of Abstracts: 27th Polymer Degradation Discussion Group Meeting: Degradation and Stabilisation of Polymers. p.4-6. - Birmingham, 5-7 September : Aston University, 2007 Language eng - English Country GB - Great Britian Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rzb) Category AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign conferences Year 2007 article
rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2007
Number of the records: 1