Number of the records: 1
Classification of base-rich fen vegetation in Europe
Title Classification of base-rich fen vegetation in Europe Author Jiménez-Alfaro Borja Co-authors Hájek Michal Ejrnaes Rasmus Rodwell John S. Pawlikowski Pawel Weeda Eddy Laitinen Jarmo Moen Absjørn Bergamini Ariel Aunina Liene Sekulová Lucia Tahvaninen Teemu Gillet Francois Jandt Ute Dítě Daniel SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV ORCID Hájková Petra Corriol Gilles Díaz Gonzáles Tomás E. Source document 21st Workshop European Vegetation Survey, 24-27 May 2012, University of Vienna, Austria. Book of Abstracts. P. 30 : Vegetation databases and large-scale classification. Biogeographical patterns in vegetation. Vegetation and global change. - Vienna : University of Vienna, 2012 / Willner Wolfgang Language eng - English Country AT - Austria Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rzb) Category AFG - Abstracts of papers from foreign conferences Year 2012 article
rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2012
Number of the records: 1