Number of the records: 1  

Circulation of Rickettsia spp. in forest park Železná studnička (Bratislava)

  1. TitleCirculation of Rickettsia spp. in forest park Železná studnička (Bratislava)
    Author Minichová Lenka SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Špitalská Eva 1975 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV    SCOPUS    RID    ORCID

    Mydlová Lenka SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV

    Svitálková Zuzana SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV

    Kocianová Elena 1948 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Kazimírová Mária 1957- SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV

    Source document Zoonoses - common protection of human and animal health : Proceedings of the 4th scientific congress with international participation, October 16-18, 2013, Bratislava. s. 22. - Bratislava : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, 2013 / National Focal point for technical and scientific matters for EFSA in the Slovak Republic ; Zoonoses - common protection of human and animal health 4th scientific congress with international participation
    Languageeng - English
    CountrySK - Slovak Republic
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rzb)
    CategoryAFH - Abstracts of papers from domestic conferences


    rok vydaniarok metrikyIFIF Q (best)SJRSJR Q (best)
Number of the records: 1  

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