Number of the records: 1  

European Red List of Habitats. Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats

  1. NázovEuropean Red List of Habitats. Part 2. Terrestrial and freshwater habitats
    Autor Janssen John A. M.
    Spoluautori Rodwell John S.

    García Criado M.

    Gubbay S.

    Haynes T.

    Nieto Ana

    Sanders N.

    Landucci Flavia

    Loidi Javier

    Ssymank Axel

    Tahvanainen Teemu

    Valderrabano Marcos

    Acosta Alicia

    Aronsson Mora

    Arts Gertie

    Attorre Fabio

    Bergmeier Erwin

    Bijlsma Rienk-Jan

    Bioret Frédéric

    Biţa-Nicolae Claudia

    Biurrun Idoia

    Calix M.

    Capelo Jorge

    Čarni Andraž

    Chytrý Milan

    Dengler Jürgen

    Dimopoulos Panayotis

    Essl Franz

    Gardfjell Hans

    Gigante Daniela

    Giusso del Galdo Gianpietro

    Hájek Michal

    Jansen F.

    Jansen J.

    Kapfer Jutta

    Mickolajczak Alexis

    Molina J. A.

    Molnár Z.

    Paternoster David

    Piernik A.

    Poulin Brigitte

    Renaux Benoit

    Schaminée Joop H. J.

    Šumberová Kateřina

    Toivonen Heikki

    Tonteri Tiina

    Tsiripidis Ioannis

    Tzonev Rossen

    Valachovič Milan 1956- SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV    ORCID

    Janišová Monika SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV    ORCID

    Šibík Jozef SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV    RID    ORCID

    Vyd.údajeLuxembourgh : European Union , 2016. - 38 p.
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    KrajinaLU - Luxembursko
    Druh dok.monografie
    OhlasyMOJZES, A. - KALAPOS, T. - KOVACS-LANG, E. Plant ecophysiological responses to drought, nocturnal warming and variable climate in the Pannonian sand forest-steppe: results of a six-year climate manipulation experiment. In BIOLOGIA. ISSN 0006-3088, DEC 2017, vol. 72, no. 12, p. 1431-1445.
    PETERKA, T. - KALNIKOVA, V. - PLESKOVA, Z. Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides, a new bryophyte species for Montenegro. In HERZOGIA. ISSN 0018-0971, DEC 2017, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 496-500.
    AL HASSAN, M. - ESTRELLES, E. - SORIANO, P. - LOPEZ-GRESA, M.P. - BELLES, J.M. - BOSCAIU, M. - VICENTE, O. Unraveling Salt Tolerance Mechanisms in Halophytes: A Comparative Study on Four Mediterranean Limonium Species with Different Geographic Distribution Patterns. In FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. ISSN 1664-462X, AUG 17 2017, vol. 8.
    SCIANDRELLO, S. - MINISSALE, P. - STURIALE, G. Plant communities supported by the geological setting: the case history of the Isole dei Ciclopi (east Sicily). In LAZAROA. ISSN 0210-9778, 2017, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 27-51.
    NOVAK, P. - ZUKAL, D. - VECERA, M. - PISTKOVA, K. Vegetation of oak-hornbeam, scree and ravine forests at lower altitudes in Transcarpathia, Western Ukraine. In TUEXENIA. ISSN 0722-494X, 2017, no. 37, p. 47-63.
    Bauhus, J. - Kouki, J. - Paillet, Y. - Asbeck, T. - Marchetti, M. 2017: Chapter 3.2. How does the forest-based bioeconomy impact forest biodiversity? In: Winkel, G. ed., Towards a sustainable European forestbased bioeconomy – assessment and the way forward. European Forest Institute. ISBN 978-952-5980-41-7
    Winkel, G. (ed.) Towards a sustainable European forest-based bioeconomy – assessment and the way forward. European Forest Institute, 2017. 160 pp. ISBN 978-952-5980-41-7
    OARGA-MULEC, A. - JENSSEN, P.D. - KLEMENCIC, A.K. - URSIC, M. - BULC, T.G. Zero-discharge solution for blackwater treatment at remote tourist facilities. In JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. ISSN 0959-6526, NOV 10 2017, vol. 166, p. 798-805.
    FANTINATO, E. - DEL VECCHIO, S. - BALTIERI, M. - FABRIS, B. - BUFFA, G. Are food-deceptive orchid species really functionally specialized for pollinators?. In ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH. ISSN 0912-3814, NOV 2017, vol. 32, no. 6, p. 951-959.
    FRAIXEDAS, S. - LINDEN, A. - MELLER, K. - LINDSTROM, A. - KEISS, O. - KALAS, J.A. - HUSBY, M. - LEIVITS, A. - LEIVITS, M. - LEHIKOINEN, A. Substantial decline of Northern European peatland bird populations: Consequences of drainage. In BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. ISSN 0006-3207, OCT 2017, vol. 214, p. 223-232.
    LABADESSA, R. - ALIGNIER, A. - CASSANO, S. - FORTE, L. - MAIROTA, P. Quantifying edge influence on plant community structure and composition in semi-natural dry grasslands. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, OCT 2017, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 572-581.
    AUNE, S. - BRYN, A. - HOVSTAD, K.A. Loss of semi-natural grassland in a boreal landscape: impacts of agricultural intensification and abandonment. In JOURNAL OF LAND USE SCIENCE. ISSN 1747-423X, 2018, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 375-390.
    CALERO, S. - MORELLATO, L.P.C. - RODRIGO, M.A. Persistence of submerged macrophytes in a drying world: Unravelling the timing and the environmental drivers to produce drought-resistant propagules. In AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS. ISSN 1052-7613, AUG 2018, vol. 28, no. 4, p. 894-909.
    CAMPAGNARO, T. - TRENTANOVI, G. - SITZIA, T. Identifying Habitat Type Conservation Priorities under the Habitats Directive: Application to Two Italian Biogeographical Regions. In SUSTAINABILITY. ISSN 2071-1050, APR 2018, vol. 10, no. 4.
    CELIK, T. - VRES, B. Microtopography determines the habitat quality of a threatened peatland butterfly at its southern range margin. In JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION. ISSN 1366-638X, DEC 2018, vol. 22, no. 5-6, p. 707-720.
    ELIAS, D. - HOLZEL, N. - TISCHEW, S. Positive effects of goat pasturing on the threatened spring geophyte Gagea bohemica in formerly abandoned dry grasslands. In FLORA. ISSN 0367-2530, DEC 2018, vol. 249, p. 53-59.
    FANTINATO, E. - DEL VECCHIO, S. - SILAN, G. - BUFFA, G. Pollination networks along the sea-inland gradient reveal landscape patterns of keystone plant species. In SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. ISSN 2045-2322, OCT 15 2018, vol. 8.
    HARZE, M. - MAHY, G. - MONTY, A. Drought stress inducing intraspecific variability in Potentilla tabernaemontani (Rosaceae), a calcareous grassland species. In PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. ISSN 2032-3913, MAR 2018, vol. 151, no. 1, p. 153-158.
    HILPOLD, A. - TASSER, E. - TAPPEINER, U. - NIEDRIST, G. Flowering Farmland Competitions in Europe: History, facts and potential interactions with agri-environmental measures. In LAND USE POLICY. ISSN 0264-8377, JAN 2018, vol. 70, p. 106-116.
    KALNIKOVA, V. - CHYTRY, K. - NOVAX, P. - KUBESOVA, S. Bryum klinggraeffii, a moss new to Georgia - first record for the Greater Caucasus. In HERZOGIA. ISSN 0018-0971, DEC 2018, vol. 31, no. 2, p. 982-987.
    BLOCKEEL, T.L. Mt Tzena, an important site for bryophytes in Greece, with a remarkably disjunct population of the rich-fen moss Cinclidium stygium. In HERZOGIA. ISSN 0018-0971, JUN 2018, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 37-47.
    GERDOL, R. - BRANCALEONI, L. - LASTRUCCI, L. - NOBILI, G. - PELLIZZARI, M. - RAVAGLIOLI, M. - VICIANI, D. Wetland Plant Diversity in a Coastal Nature Reserve in Italy: Relationships with Salinization and Eutrophication and Implications for Nature Conservation. In ESTUARIES AND COASTS. ISSN 1559-2723, NOV 2018, vol. 41, no. 7, p. 2079-2091.
    BIRO, M. - BOLONI, J. - MOLNAR, Z. Use of long-term data to evaluate loss and endangerment status of Natura 2000 habitats and effects of protected areas. In CONSERVATION BIOLOGY. ISSN 0888-8892, JUN 2018, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 660-671.
    ORTMANN-AJKAI, A. - CSICSEK, G. - HOLLOS, R. - MAGYAROS, V. - WAGNER, L. - LOCZY, D. Twenty-Years' Changes of Wetland Vegetation: Effects of Floodplain-Level Threats. In WETLANDS. ISSN 0277-5212, JUN 2018, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 591-604.
    VICIANI, D. - GABELLINI, A. - GENNAI, M. - FOGGI, B. - LASTRUCCI, L. Woods with Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in Tuscany (Italy): a vegetation classification approach. In MEDITERRANEAN BOTANY. ISSN 2603-9109, 2018, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 3-16.
    VICIANI, D. - DELL'OLMO, L. - FOGGI, B. - FERRETTI, G. - LASTRUCCI, L. - GENNAI, M. Natura 2000 habitat of Mt. Argentario promontory (southern Tuscany, Italy). In JOURNAL OF MAPS. ISSN 1744-5647, 2018, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 447-454.
    Millaku, F. - Elezaj, I. - Berisha, N. Sympatric area and ecology of some Tulipa species in the West Balkan Peninsula. In Thaiszia-Journal of Botany, 2018, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 35-47. ISSN 1210-0420.
    GHEZA, G. - NASCIMBENE, J. - MAYRHOFER, H. - BARCELLA, M. - ASSINI, S. Two Cladonia species new to Italy from dry habitats in the Po Plain. In HERZOGIA. ISSN 0018-0971, JUN 2018, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 293-303.
    Gerling, Ch. Auswirkungen von biologischer Landwirtschaft auf Grünlandbiodiversität im Rahmen eines Agrarumweltprogramms. In Korn, H., Dünnfelder, H., Schliep, R. (Hrsg.): Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XVI. Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. BfN-Skripten 487. Bonn – Bad Godesberg: Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 2018, p. 15-20. ISBN 978-3-89624-224-2.
    Pawlaczyk-Kujawa, J. - Pawlaczyk, P. - Stańko, R. et al. Podręcznik dobrych praktyk w ochronie torfowisk alkalicznych. Wydawnictwo Klubu Przyrodników, 2018. ISBN 978-83-63426-23-1.
    Gutowska, E. - Horabik, D. - Jarzombkowski, T. et al. A guidebook on good practices of alkaline fen conservation. Krakow: ATOMINIUM, 2018. 170 pp. ISBN: 978-83-63426-24-8.
    Gayet, G. - Baptist, F. - Maciejewski, L. - Poncet, R. - Bensettiti, F. Guide de détermination des habitats terrestres et marins dela typologie EUNIS - version 1.0. AFB, collection Guides et protocoles, 2018. 230 pp. ISBN 978-2-37785-040-2.
    Chusova, O. O. Biotopes of the Krasna River basin (Luhansk Region, Ukraine) and their analysis] | [Biotopy baseynu richky Krasna (Luhanska obl., Ukraina) ta yikhniy analiz]. In Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 2018, vol. 75. no. 3, p. 260-273. ISSN 0372-4123.
    DRIUS, M. - JONES, L. - MARZIALETTI, F. - DE FRANCESCO, M.C. - STANISCI, A. - CARRANZA, M.L. Not just a sandy beach. The multi-service value of Mediterranean coastal dunes. In SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. ISSN 0048-9697, JUN 10 2019, vol. 668, p. 1139-1155.
    RODRIGUEZ-MERINO, A. - FERNANDEZ-ZAMUDIO, R. - GARCIA-MURILLO, P. Identifying areas of aquatic plant richness in a Mediterranean hotspot to improve the conservation of freshwater ecosystems. In AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS. ISSN 1052-7613, APR 2019, vol. 29, no. 4, p. 589-602.
    BELLO-RODRIGUEZ, V. - GOMEZ, L.A. - LOPEZ, A.F. - DEL-ARCO-AGUILAR, M.J. - HERNANDEZ-HERNANDEZ, R. - EMERSON, B. - GONZALEZ-MANCEBO, J.M. Short- and long-term effects of fire in subtropical cloud forests on an oceanic island. In LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT. ISSN 1085-3278, FEB 28 2019, vol. 30, no. 4, p. 448-458.
    LOPES, C.L. - MENDES, R. - CACADOR, I. - DIAS, J.M. Evaluation of long-term estuarine vegetation changes through Landsat imagery. In SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. ISSN 0048-9697, FEB 25 2019, vol. 653, p. 512-522.
    GRZYBOWSKI, M. - GLINSKA-LEWCZUK, K. Principal threats to the conservation of freshwater habitats in the continental biogeographical region of Central Europe. In BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 0960-3115, DEC 2019, vol. 28, no. 14, p. 4065-4097.
    SARMATI, S. - BONARI, G. - ANGIOLINI, C. Conservation status of Mediterranean coastal dune habitats: anthropogenic disturbance may hamper habitat assignment. In RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI. ISSN 2037-4631, SEP 2019, vol. 30, no. 3, SI, p. 623-636.
    SWIERSZCZ, S. - NOBIS, M. - MASLAK, M. - SMIEJA, A. - KOJS, P. - NOWAK, S. - NOWAK, A. Varied response of underground and aboveground plant matter: functional diversity of three different vegetational types after translocation to reclaimed postindustrial land. In LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT. ISSN 1085-3278, DEC 2019, vol. 30, no. 18, p. 2287-2297.
    DE GIGLIO, M. - GREGGIO, N. - GOFFO, F. - MERLONI, N. - DUBBINI, M. - BARBARELLA, M. Comparison of Pixel- and Object-Based Classification Methods of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Applied to Coastal Dune Vegetation Communities: Casal Borsetti Case Study. In REMOTE SENSING. JUN 2 2019, vol. 11, no. 12.
    AIKIO, S. - TAULAVUORI, K. - HURSKAINEN, S. - TAULAVUORI, E. - TUOMI, J. Contributions of day length, temperature and individual variability on the rate and timing of leaf senescence in the common lilac Syringa vulgaris. In TREE PHYSIOLOGY. ISSN 0829-318X, JUN 2019, vol. 39, no. 6, p. 961-970.
    TEOFILOVA, T.M. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from sparsely vegetated land ecosystems in Bulgaria. In NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. ISSN 1584-9074, JUN 2019, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 30-41.
    SWIERSZCZ, S. - NOWAK, A. - KOJS, P. - NOWAK, S. - NOBIS, M. Functional diversity of different vegetation types does not respond homogeneously to change over time after conservation translocation from a rural landscape to an urbanized one. In URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING. ISSN 1618-8667, MAY 2019, vol. 41, p. 323-332.
    GIALLONARDO, T. - ANGIOLINI, C. - CIASCHETTI, G. - LANDI, M. - PIRONE, G. - FRATTAROLI, A.R. Environment or management? Relative importance for floristic composition of sub-Mediterranean hay meadows in Central Italy. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, APR 2019, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 336-347.
    KACKI, Z. - HEGEDUSOVA, K. Plant community responses to changes in management. In BIOLOGIA. ISSN 0006-3088, APR 2019, vol. 74, no. 4, SI, p. 335-337.
    NAVRATILOVA, J. - HAVLICEK, M. - NAVRATIL, J. - FRAZIER, R.J. Land cover changes on temperate organic substrates over last 150years: evidence from the Czech Republic. In BIOLOGIA. ISSN 0006-3088, APR 2019, vol. 74, no. 4, SI, p. 361-373.
    LEZAMA, F. - PEREIRA, M. - ALTESOR, A. - PARUELO, J.M. Grasslands of Uruguay: classification based on vegetation plots. In PHYTOCOENOLOGIA. ISSN 0340-269X, 2019, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 211-229.
    SZYMURA, T.H. - SZYMURA, M. Spatial structure of grassland patches in Poland: implications for nature conservation. In ACTA SOCIETATIS BOTANICORUM POLONIAE. ISSN 0001-6977, 2019, vol. 88, no. 1.
    ORTMANN-AJKAI, A. Oxbow Lakes: Vegetation History and Conservation. In DRAVA RIVER: ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS. ISSN 2194-315X, 2019, p. 199-213.
    JURAN, J. - KASTOVSKY, J. The procedure of compiling the Red List of microscopic algae of the Czech Republic. In BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 0960-3115, AUG 2019, vol. 28, no. 10, p. 2499-2529.
    ANGIOLINI, C. - VICIANI, D. - BONARI, G. - ZOCCOLA, A. - BOTTACCI, A. - CIAMPELLI, P. - GONNELLI, V. - LASTRUCCI, L. Environmental drivers of plant assemblages: are there differences between palustrine and lacustrine wetlands? A case study from the northern Apennines (Italy). In KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS. ISSN 1961-9502, JUL 30 2019, no. 420.
    COLOMER, J. - PEREZ-HAASE, A. - CARRILLO, E. - VENTURA, M. - NINOT, J.M. Fine-scale vegetation mosaics in Pyrenean mires are driven by complex hydrological regimes and threatened by extreme weather events. In ECOHYDROLOGY. ISSN 1936-0584, MAR 2019, vol. 12, no. 2.
    MARTINEZ-LOPEZ, J. - TEIXEIRA, H. - MORGADO, M. - ALMAGRO, M. - SOUSA, A.I. - VILLA, F. - BALBI, S. - GENUA-OLMEDO, A. - NOGUEIRA, A.J.A. - LILLEBO, A.I. Participatory coastal management through elicitation of ecosystem service preferences and modelling driven by "coastal squeeze". In SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. ISSN 0048-9697, FEB 20 2019, vol. 652, p. 1113-1128.
    STEVANOVIC, Z.D. - ACIC, S. - STESEVIC, D. - LUKOVIC, M. - SILC, U. Halophytic Vegetation in South-east Europe: Classification, Conservation and Ecogeographical Patterns. In HALOPHYTES AND CLIMATE CHANGE: ADAPTIVE MECHANISMS AND POTENTIAL USES. 2019, p. 55-68.
    NOWAK, A. - MASLAK, M. - SMIEJA, A. - GORA, J. - KOJS, P. - NOWAK, S. - NOBIS, M. Translocation of meadow, heath and fen to the Habitat Garden: The first insights after 4 years of the experiment. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, JAN 2019, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 3-12.
    DEL VECCHIO, S. - FANTINATO, E. - SILAN, G. - BUFFA, G. Trade-offs between sampling effort and data quality in habitat monitoring. In BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 0960-3115, JAN 2019, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 55-73.
    TERRADAS-FERNANDEZ, M. - ZUBCOFF, J. - RAMOS-ESPLA, A. A. Early succession patterns in a Mediterranean vermetid reef. In JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH. ISSN 1385-1101, 2019, vol. 152, no., pp.
    Brusa G. - Dalle Fratte M. - Armiraglio, S. - Ceriani, R.M. - Zanzoterra, M. - Cerabolini, B.E.L. Flora and habitats of community interest (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Lombardy: distribution outline and conservation importance. In NATURA BRESCIANA» Ann. Mus. Civ. Sc. Nat. Brescia, 2019, vol. 42, p. 91-102. ISSN 0391-156X.
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    STESEVIC, Danijela - KUZAMIC, Filip - MILANOVIC, Dordije - STANISIC-VUJACIC, Milica - SILC, Urban. Coastal sand dune vegetation of Velika plaza (Montenegro). In ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA. ISSN 0365-0588, 2020, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 43-54. Dostupné na:
    KURTOGULLARI, Y. - RIEDER, N.S. - ARLETTAZ, R. - HUMBERT, J.Y. Conservation and restoration of Nardus grasslands in the Swiss northern Alps. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, JAN 2020, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 26-38.
    TOMASELLI, V. - VERONICO, G. - SCIANDRELLO, S. - FORTE, L. Therophytic halophilous vegetation classification in South-Eastern Italy. In PHYTOCOENOLOGIA. ISSN 0340-269X, 2020, vol. 50, no. 2, p. 187-209.
    KLICHOWSKA, E. - SZCZECINSKA, M. - SLIPIKO, M. - NOBIS, M. Different but valuable: Anthropogenic habitats as genetic diversity reservoirs for endangered dry grassland species - A case study of Stipa pennata. In ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. ISSN 1470-160X, APR 2020, vol. 111.
    HERMOSO, V. - MORAN-ORDONEZ, A. - LANZAS, M. - BROTONS, L. Designing a network of green infrastructure for the EU. In LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING. ISSN 0169-2046, APR 2020, vol. 196.
    FANFARILLO, E. - LATINI, M. - ABBATE, G. Patterns of Co-occurrence of Rare and Threatened Species in Winter Arable Plant Communities of Italy. In DIVERSITY-BASEL. MAY 2020, vol. 12, no. 5.
    PERZANOWSKA, J. - KORZENIAK, J. Red list of Natura 2000 habitat types of Poland. In JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION. ISSN 1617-1381, AUG 2020, vol. 56.
    MJELDE, M. - SWE, T. - LANGANGEN, A. - BALLOT, A. A contribution to the knowledge of charophytes in Myanmar; morphological and genetic identification and ecology notes. In BOTANY LETTERS. ISSN 2381-8107, JAN 2 2021, vol. 168, no. 1, p. 102-109.
    DITE, Z. - SUVADA, R. - TOTH, T. - ELIAS, P. - PIS, V. - DITE, D. Current Condition of Pannonic Salt Steppes at Their Distribution Limit: What Do Indicator Species Reveal about Habitat Quality?. In PLANTS-BASEL. MAR 2021, vol. 10, no. 3.
    MULERO, S. - TOULZA, E. - LOISIER, A. - ZIMMERMAN, M. - ALLIENNE, J.F. - FOATA, J. - QUILICHINI, Y. - POINTIER, J.P. - REY, O. - BOISSIER, J. Malacological survey in a bottle of water: A comparative study between manual sampling and environmental DNA metabarcoding approaches. In GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 2351-9894, JAN 2021, vol. 25.
    SUMRADA, T. - VRES, B. - CELIK, T. - SILC, U. - RAC, I. - UDOVC, A. - ERJAVEC, E. Are result-based schemes a superior approach to the conservation of High Nature Value grasslands? Evidence from Slovenia. In LAND USE POLICY. ISSN 0264-8377, DEC 2021, vol. 111.
    VERES, K. - CSINTALAN, Z. - KOVACS, B. - FARKAS, E. Factors at multiple scales influence the composition of terricolous lichen communities in temperate semi-arid sandy grasslands. In LICHENOLOGIST. ISSN 0024-2829, NOV 2021, vol. 53, no. 6, p. 467-479.
    LE DEZ, M. - DELBOSC, P. - BOUZILLE, J.B. - ROBIN, M. An expert system for the conservation of Atlantic estuarine wet meadows: application to a Natura 2000 site in France. In BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 0960-3115, DEC 2021, vol. 30, no. 14, p. 4337-4357.
    VALCHEVA, M. - APOSTOLOVA, I. - SOPOTLIEVA, D. Current floristic diversity and vegetation characteristics of habitat 2340*Pannonic inland dunes in Bulgaria - a contribution to conservation status assessment. In BIOLOGIA. ISSN 0006-3088, DEC 2021, vol. 76, no. 12, p. 3605-3619.
    MUMCU, U. - KORKMAZ, H. Two different new Tamarix smyrnensis Bunge associations on the Yesilirmak Delta Plain (Samsun/Turkiye). In RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI. ISSN 2037-4631, DEC 2021, vol. 32, no. 4, SI, p. 841-856.
    DUMINS, K. - ANDERSONE-OZOLA, U. - SAMSONE, I. - ELFERTS, D. - IEVINSH, G. Growth and Physiological Performance of a Coastal Species Trifolium fragiferum as Affected by a Coexistence with Trifolium repens, NaCl Treatment and Inoculation with Rhizobia. In PLANTS-BASEL. OCT 2021, vol. 10, no. 10.
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    KategóriaBAA - Odborné monografie vydané v zahraničných vydavateľstvách
    Kategória (od 2022)O1 - Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako celok
    Typ výstupuknižná publikácia
    Rok vykazovania2016


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