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Thermophilous oak forests in Slovakia: classification of vegetation and an expert system
Title Thermophilous oak forests in Slovakia: classification of vegetation and an expert system Title translation Teplomilné dubové lesy na Slovensku: klasifikácia vegetácie a expertný systém Author Hegedüšová Vantarová Katarína SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV ORCID Co-authors Žarnovičan Hubert Kanka Róbert 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV Šuvada Robert Kollár Jozef 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV Galvánek Dobromil SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV ORCID Roleček Jan Source document Preslia. Vol. 93, no. 2 (2021), p. 89-123 Language eng - English Country CZ - Czech Republic URL URL link Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Keywords formalized classification * Quercetea pubescentis * Slovakia * syntaxonomy * thermophilous oak forests * vegetation survey Citations PIELECH, Remigiusz. Plant species richness in riparian forests: Comparison to other forest ecosystems, longitudinal patterns, role of rare species and topographic factors. In FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 2021, vol. 496, article number 119 400, ISSN 0378-1127. Dostupné na: GONCHARENKO, Igor. Comparative study of Central and Eastern European alliances of Thermophilous oak forests (Quercion petraea, Betonico-Quercion, and Lathyro-Quercion) within the temperate zone of Europe. In Forestry Studies, 2021, vol. 75, no. 1, p. 41-54. ISSN 14069954. Dostupné na: SWIERKOSZ, K. - RECZYNSKA, K. Differentiation of natural scrub communities of the Cotoneastro-Amelanchieretum group in Central Europe. In PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, 2022, vol. 17, no. 4, article no. e0266868. Dostupné na: PYSEK, P. - KAPLAN, Z. - PIPEK, P. Editorial: from printed past to digital future. In PRESLIA. ISSN 0032-7786, 2022, vol. 94, no. 1, p. 1-11. Dostupné na: KOTRIK, M. - BAZANY, M. - CILIAK, M. - KNOPP, V. - MALIS, F. - UJHAZYOVA, M. - VASKO, L. - VLADOVIC, J. - UJHAZY, K. Half a century of herb layer changes in Quercus-dominated forests of the Western Carpathians. In FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. ISSN 0378-1127, 2023, vol. 544, art. no. 121 151. Dostupné na: PUTRA, A.B.N.R. - SUHARTADI, S. - KIONG, T.T. - RAHMAWATI, A.D. Synchronisation Model of Campus-Industry Partnership Through Smart Expert System Hybrid Advisory for Industrial Internship Students and Teaching Assistance in the Era of Independent Learning. In JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING. ISSN 2229-8932, 2023, vol. 15, no. 3, SI, p. 142-153. Dostupné na: Category ADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2021 Registered in WOS Registered in SCOPUS Registered in CCC DOI 10.23855/preslia.2021.089 article
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