Number of the records: 1
Loss of LATS kinases in brown fat cells protects mice from diet-induced obesity
Title Loss of LATS kinases in brown fat cells protects mice from diet-induced obesity : Session 3 – Thermogenic Adipose Tissues and Energy Metabolism Author Baláž Miroslav SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV Co-authors Pálešová Natália SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV Goergen Anne Fahrner Alexandra Makovický Peter SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV SCOPUS RID Wang Tongtong Ding Lianggong Wolfrum Christian Balážová Lucia 1987 SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV SCOPUS ORCID Language eng - English Country DE - Germany Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rzb) Category GII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above Category of document (from 2022) O2 - Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť knižnej publikácie alebo zborníka Type of document abstrakt z podujatia Year 2023 article
Number of the records: 1