Number of the records: 1
Defensive Constructions of the Twentieth Dynasty at Tell el-Retaba
Title Defensive Constructions of the Twentieth Dynasty at Tell el-Retaba Author Hudec Jozef 1965- Source document Perspectives on the Ramesside Military System : Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, 10–11 December, 2021. p. 89-106. - Münster : Zaphon, 2023 / Abbas Mohamed Raafat ; Hoffmann Friedhelm Language eng - English Country DE - Germany Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rzb) Category AFA - Published invited papers from foreign scientific conferences Category of document (from 2022) V2 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť editovanej knihy alebo zborníka Type of document príspevok z podujatia Year 2023 article
File name Access Size Downloaded Type License AeAT-121-Hudec.pdf available 3.5 MB 7 Publisher's version rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2023
Number of the records: 1