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Idempotent uninorms on bounded lattices with a most a single point incomparable with the neutral element: Part II

  1. TitleIdempotent uninorms on bounded lattices with a most a single point incomparable with the neutral element: Part II : online article
    Author Mesiarová-Zemánková Andrea 1979 SAVMATEM - Matematický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Mesiar Radko

    Co-authors Su Yong Wang Zhudeng
    Source document International Journal of General Systems. (2025)
    Languageeng - English
    CountryGB - Great Britian
    URLURL link
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
    KeywordsBounded lattice * idempotent uninorm * ordinal sum
    CategoryADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted)
    Category of document (from 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
    Type of documentčlánok
    Registered inSCOPUS
    DOI 10.1080/03081079.2024.2375437


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    Idempotent uninorms on bounded lattices with at most a single...II.pdfNeprístupný/archív3 MB0Publisher's version
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