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High gradient magnetic separation with involved Basset history force: Configuration with single axial wire
Title High gradient magnetic separation with involved Basset history force: Configuration with single axial wire Author Krafčík Andrej 1983 SAVMER - Ústav merania SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Co-authors Babinec P. Babincova M. Frollo Ivan 1939 SAVMER - Ústav merania SAV SCOPUS RID Source document Powder Technology. Vol. 347 (2019), p. 50–58 Language eng - English Country CH - Switzerland Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Citations CAO, Q.L. - FAN, Q. - CHEN, J.G. - DING, A.Z. - LI, H.H. - HAN, X.T. Magnetically tunable distribution pattern of magnetic particles in a micro-particle sedimentation system. In POWDER TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0032-5910, JUN 15 2020, vol. 370, p. 147-158. ZHENG, X.Y. - SUN, Z.X. - WANG, Y.H. - LU, D.F. - XUE, Z.X. Matching relation between matrix aspect ratio and applied induction for maximum particle capture in longitudinal high gradient magnetic separation. In SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1383-5866, JUN 15 2020, vol. 241. WANG, Y.H. - XUE, Z.X. - ZHENG, X.Y. - LU, D.F. - SUN, Z.X. Matching relation between matrix aspect ratio and applied magnetic induction for maximum particle capture in transversal high gradient magnetic separation. In MINERALS ENGINEERING. ISSN 0892-6875, JUN 1 2020, vol. 151. DVORSKY, R. - LESNAK, M. - PISTORA, J. - MANCIK, P. - BEDNAR, J. Experimentally verified physical model of ferromagnetic microparticles separation in magnetic gradient inside a set of steel spheres. In SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1383-5866, MAY 15 2020, vol. 239. XUE, Z.X. - WANG, Y.H. - ZHENG, X.Y. - LU, D.F. - LI, X.D. Particle capture of special cross-section matrices in axial high gradient magnetic separation: A 3D simulation. In SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 1383-5866, APR 15 2020, vol. 237. GUO, X. - ZHANG, M. - REN, W. - DAI, S. Influence of particle size on the magnetism of magnetite and the development of an energy-efficient three-product magnetic separator. In SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. ISSN 0149-6395, 2021, vol. 56, no. 8, p. 1397-1406. Dostupné na: XUE, Z. - WANG, Y. - ZHENG, X. - LU, D. - SUN, Z. Study on optimal aspect ratio for diamond matrices in axial high gradient magnetic separation. In MINERALS ENGINEERING. ISSN 0892-6875, 2021, vol. 160. Dostupné na: XIA, L. - WANG, F. - WANG, L. - LI, X. - CHEN, J. - CAO, Q. Understanding and prediction of magnetization state of elliptic cross-section matrices in high gradient magnetic separation. In MINERALS ENGINEERING. ISSN 0892-6875, 2021, vol. 172. Dostupné na: MAGHSOUDALI, Y. - SAHAMI, M. - JAMAATI, J. Modeling the multi-stage magnetic filtration in various 3D channels with different configurations of rods. In JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING. ISSN 1678-5878, SEP 2022, vol. 44, no. 9. Dostupné na: ZHENG, X.Y. - JING, Z.H. - SUN, Z.X. - DU, L. - XUE, Z.X. - LU, D.F. - YASI, G. - WANG, Y.H. Significantly Improved Separation Efficiency of Refractory Weakly Magnetic Minerals by Pulsating High-Gradient Magnetic Separation Coupling with Magnetic Fluid. In ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING. ISSN 2168-0485, AUG 8 2022, vol. 10, no. 31. Dostupné na: ZHANG, W. An Analysis of the Formation Mechanisms of Abrasive Particles and Their Effects on Cutting Efficiency. In FDMP-FLUID DYNAMICS & MATERIALS PROCESSING. ISSN 1555-256X, 2022, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 1153-1167. Dostupné na: LIN, H.Y. - LI, X. - LEI, Z.Y. - KU, J.A. - WANG, Z.L. Developing high gradient magnetic separators for greener production: Principles, design, and optimization. In JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS. ISSN 0304-8853, DEC 1 2023, vol. 587. Dostupné na: ZHENG, X.Y. - DU, L. - LI, S.J. - JING, Z.H. - LU, D.F. - JIA, K.Y. - CADIERE, K. - PENG, B.Y. - WANG, Y.H. A novel method for efficient recovery of ilmenite by high gradient magnetic separation coupling with magnetic fluid. In MINERALS ENGINEERING. ISSN 0892-6875, NOV 2023, vol. 202. Dostupné na: LI, Y.K. - PAN, X.D. - LI, S.Q. - GUO, P.H. - GAO, X.F. Separation of iron from converter dust by superconducting HGMS: A simulation analysis and experimental study. In PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. ISSN 0957-5820, JUL 2023, vol. 175, p. 402-413. Dostupné na: Category ADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2019 Registered in WOS Registered in SCOPUS Registered in CCC DOI 10.1016/j.powtec.2019.02.044 article
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