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Extremely low frequency magnetic fields emitted by cell phones
Title Extremely low frequency magnetic fields emitted by cell phones Author Misek J. Co-authors Jakus Jan Hamza Sladicekova K. Zastko Lucian SAVBIOMED ; SAVEXONK - Biomedicínske centrum SAV Veternik Marcel Jakusova Viera Belyaev Igor 1958 SAVBIOMED ; SAVEXONK - Biomedicínske centrum SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Source document Frontiers in Physiology. Vol. 11 (2023), art. no. 1094921 Language eng - English Country US - United States of America Note open access URL URL link Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Citations SARIMOV, R.M. - SEROV, D.A. - GUDKOV, S.V. Biological Effects of Magnetic Storms and ELF Magnetic Fields. In BIOLOGY-BASEL. DEC 2023, vol. 12, no. 12. Dostupné na: JANSSENS, K. - BOILEAU, G. - CHRISTENSEN, N. - VAN REMORTEL, N. - BADARACCO, F. - CANUEL, B. - CARDINI, A. - CONTU, A. - COUGHLIN, M.W. - DECITRE, J.B. - DE ROSA, R. - DI GIOVANNI, M. - D'URSO, D. - GAFFET, S. - GIUNCHI, C. - HARMS, J. - KOLEY, S. - MANGANO, V. - NATICCHIONI, L. - OLIVIERI, M. - PAOLETTI, F. - ROZZA, D. - SABULSKY, D.O. - SHANI-KADMIEL, S. - TROZZO, L. Correlated 0.01-40 Hz seismic and Newtonian noise and its impact on future gravitational-wave detectors. In PHYSICAL REVIEW D. ISSN 2470-0010, MAY 2 2024, vol. 109, no. 10. Dostupné na: BEVINGTON, M. Letter to the Editor, Environment International 'Available evidence shows adverse symptoms from acute non-thermal RF-EMF exposure'. Comment on: Bosch-Capblanch X et al., The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on human self-reported symptoms: A systematic review of human experimental studies, Envir Int. vol. 187, May 2024, 108612. In ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. ISSN 0160-4120, SEP 2024, vol. 191. Dostupné na: Category ADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2023 Registered in WOS Registered in SCOPUS Registered in CCC DOI 10.3389/fphy.2023.1094921 article
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