Number of the records: 1  

Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity

  1. TitleFacilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity
    Author Cavieres Lohengrin A.
    Co-authors Brooker Rob W.

    Butterfield Bradley J.

    Cook Bradley J.

    Kikvidze Zaal

    Lortie Christopher J.

    Michalet Richard

    Pugnaire Francisco I.

    Schöb Christian

    Xiao Sa

    Anthelme Fabien

    Björk Robert G.

    Dickinson Katharine J. M.

    Cranston Brittany H.

    Gavilán Rosario

    Gutiérrez-Girón Alba

    Kanka Róbert 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV

    Maalouf Jean-Paul

    Mark Alan F.

    Noroozi Jalil

    Parajuli Rabindra

    Phoenix Gareth K.

    Reid Anya M.

    Ridenour Wendy M.

    Rixen Christian

    Wipf Sonja

    Zhao Liang

    Escudero Adrián

    Zaitchik Benjamin F.

    Lingua Emanuele

    Aschehoug Erik T.

    Callaway Ragan M.

    Source document Ecology Letters. Vol. 17, no. 2 (2014), p. 193-202
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States of America
    URLURL link
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
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    CategoryADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted)
    Category of document (from 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
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    DOI 10.1111/ele.12217


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