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Binary asteroid population. 3. Secondary rotations and elongations

  1. TitleBinary asteroid population. 3. Secondary rotations and elongations
    Author Pravec Petr
    Co-authors Scheirich Petr

    Kušnirák Peter

    Hornoch Kamil

    Galád Adrián

    Naidu S.P.

    Pray Donald P.

    Világi Jozef

    Gajdoš Štefan

    Kornoš Leoš

    Krugly Yurij N.

    Cooney Walter R. Jr.

    Gross John

    Terrell Dirk

    Gaftonyuk Ninel

    Pollock Joseph

    Husárik Marek 1976- SAVASTRO - Astronomický ústav SAV    SCOPUS    ORCID

    Chiorny Vasilij

    Stephens Robert D.

    Durkee Russ

    Reddy Vishnu

    Dyvig Ron

    Vraštil Jan

    Žižka J.

    Mottola Stefano

    Hellmich Stephan

    Oey Julian

    Benishek Vladimir

    Kryszczyńska Agnieszka

    Higgins David

    Ries Judit G.

    Marchis Franck

    Baek M.

    Macomber Brent

    Inasaridze Raguli

    Kvaratskhelia O.

    Ayvasian Vova

    Rumyantsev V.

    Masi Gianluca

    Colas Francois

    Lecacheux Jean

    Montaigut R.

    Leroy Arnaud

    Brown Peter

    Krzeminski Zbigniew

    Molotov Igor

    Reichart Daniel

    Haislip Josh

    La Cluyze Aaron

    Source document Icarus. Vol. 267 (2016), p. 267-295
    Languageeng - English
    CountryNL - Netherlands
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
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    ZINZI, Angelo - HASSELMANN, P. H. A. - DELLA CORTE, V. - DESHAPRIYA, J. D. P. - GAI, I. - LUCCHETTI, A. - PAJOLA, A. - ROSSI, A. - DOTTO, E. - EPIFANI, E. Mazzotta - DALY, R. T. - HIRABAYASHI, M. - FARNHAM, T. - ERNST, C. M. - IVANOVSKI, S. L. - LI, J.y. - PARRO, L. M. - AMOROSO, M. - BECCARELLI, J. - BERTINI, I. - BRUCATO, J. R. - CAPANNOLO, A. - CAPORALI, S. - CERESOLI, M. - CREMONESE, G. - DALL'ORA, M. - CASAJUS, L. Gomez - GRAMIGNA, E. - IEVA, S. - IMPRESARIO, G. - MANGHI, R. Lasagni - LAVAGNA, M. - LOMBARDO, M. - MODENINI, D. - NEGRI, B. - PALUMBO, P. - PERNA, D. - PIRROTTA, S. - POGGIALI, G. - TORTORA, P. - TUSBERTI, F. - ZANNONI, M. - ZANOTTI, G. VADER: Probing the dark side of Dimorphos with LICIACube LUKE. In PLANETARY SCIENCE JOURNAL, 2024, vol. 5, no. 4, article no. 103, p. 1-9. 2632-3338. Dostupné na:
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    POU, Laurent - NIMMO, Francis. Tidal dissipation of binaries in asteroid pairs. In ICARUS, 2024, vol. 411, no., article no. 115919, p. 1-13. ISSN 0019-1035. Dostupné na:
    CategoryADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted)
    Category of document (from 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
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    Registered inWOS
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    DOI 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.12.019


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