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Biodiversity differences between managed and unmanaged forests: meta-analysis of species richness in Europe

  1. TitleBiodiversity differences between managed and unmanaged forests: meta-analysis of species richness in Europe
    Author Paillet Yoan
    Co-authors Bergés Laurent

    Hjältén Joakim

    Ódor Péter

    Avon Catherine

    Bernhardt-Römermann Markus

    Bijlsma Rienk-Jan

    Bruyn Luc de

    Fuhr Marc

    Grandin Ulf

    Kanka Róbert 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV

    Lundin Lars

    Luque Sandra

    Magura Tibor

    Matesanz Silvia

    Mészáros Ilona

    Sebastia M. Teresa

    Schmidt Wolfgang

    Standovár Tibor

    Tóthmérész Béla

    Uotila Anneli

    Valladares Fernando

    Vellak Kai

    Virtanen Risto

    Source document Conservation Biology. Vol. 24, iss. 1 (2010), p. 101-112
    Languageeng - English
    CountryUS - United States of America
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
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