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Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm efficacy of different inorganic and organic zinc forms against multidrug-resistant Escherichia, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas
Title Antimicrobial and anti-biofilm efficacy of different inorganic and organic zinc forms against multidrug-resistant Escherichia, Klebsiella, Staphylococcus and Pseudomonas Author Karahutová Lívia 1992 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Co-authors Bujňáková Dobroslava 1972 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Source document Veterinary Research Communications. Vol. 48, no. 3 (2024), p. 1899-1905 Language eng - English Country NL - Netherlands URL URL link Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Category ADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2024 Registered in WOS Registered in SCOPUS Registered in CCC DOI 10.1007/s11259-024-10339-7 article
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Number of the records: 1