Number of the records: 1
CardaBase – Datababase of names, chromosome numbers, ploidy levels and genome sizes of the tribe Cardamineae
Title CardaBase – Datababase of names, chromosome numbers, ploidy levels and genome sizes of the tribe Cardamineae Author Marhold Karol 1959- RID ORCID Co-authors Kempa Matúš Kučera Jaromír ORCID Skokanová Katarína ORCID Smatanová Jana ORCID Šingliarová Barbora ORCID Šlenker Marek RID ORCID Zozomová-Lihová Judita RID ORCID Issue data 2021 Language eng - English Country SK - Slovak Republic URL URL link Document kind elektronické dokumenty (napr. listy, články, knihy, zborníky) Category GHG - Works published on the internet Year 2022 book
Number of the records: 1