Number of the records: 1
Borrelia burgdorferi evades the host immunitydue to the effect of tick saliva
Title Borrelia burgdorferi evades the host immunitydue to the effect of tick saliva. [elektronický zdroj] Author Kopecký J. Dvorožňáková Emília SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Co-authors Kýčková K. Salát J. Koník P. Slavíková Macháčková M. Source document Abstracts and List of Posters : 16th European Congress of Immunology ECI, September 6-9,2006, Paris, France. - Paris, 2006 ; 16th European Congress of Immunology. Language eng - English Country FR - France Note Požaduje sa Acrobat Reader URL URL link Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rzb) Category AFK - Foreign conferences posters Year 2006 article
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Number of the records: 1