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Acceleration of relativistic electron dynamics by means of X2C transformation: Application to the calculation of nonlinear optical properties
Title Acceleration of relativistic electron dynamics by means of X2C transformation: Application to the calculation of nonlinear optical properties Author Konečný Lukáš Co-authors Kádek Marius Komorovský Stanislav 1982 ORCID Malkina Oľga 1956 SAVANOCH - Ústav anorganickej chémie SAV ORCID Ruud Kenneth Repiský Michal Source document Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Vol. 12, no. 12 (2016), p. 5823-5833 Language eng - English Country US - United States of America Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Citations NORMAN, Patrick - DREUW, Andreas. Simulating X-ray Spectroscopies and Calculating Core-Excited States of Molecules. In CHEMICAL REVIEWS. ISSN 0009-2665, 2018, vol. 118, no. 15, pp. 7208-7248. PETRONE, Alessio - WILLIAMS-YOUNG, David B. - SUN, Shichao - STETINA, Torin F. - LI, Xiaosong. An efficient implementation of two-component relativistic density functional theory with torque-free auxiliary variables. In EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B. 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