Number of the records: 1
Asteroid lightcurve analysis of suspected binary asteroids
Title Asteroid lightcurve analysis of suspected binary asteroids Author Higgins David Co-authors Pravec Petr Kušnirák Peter Hornoch Kamil Pray Donald P. Világi Jozef Kornoš Leoš Gajdoš Štefan Husárik Marek 1976- SAVASTRO - Astronomický ústav SAV SCOPUS ORCID Pikler Michal 1978- SAVASTRO - Astronomický ústav SAV Červák Gabriel 1959- SAVASTRO - Astronomický ústav SAV Source document The Minor Planet Bulletin. Vol. 35 (2008), p. 173-175 Language eng - English Country US - United States of America Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Citations JACOBSON, S.A. - SCHEERES, D.J. Dynamics of rotationally fissioned asteroids: Source of observed small asteroid systems. In ICARUS, 2011, vol. 214, no. 1, p. 161-178. Category ADEB - Scientific papers in other foreign journals not registered in Current Contents Connect without IF (non-impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2008 article
rok CC IF IF Q (best) JCR Av Jour IF Perc SJR SJR Q (best) CiteScore N rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2008
Number of the records: 1