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From Government to Governance for Biodiversity

  1. TitleFrom Government to Governance for Biodiversity : the perspective of central and eastern european transition countries
    Author Kluvánková Tatiana 1968- SAVPROG - Prognostický ústav SAV    RID    ORCID
    Co-authors Gežík Veronika 1978- SAVPROG - Prognostický ústav SAV

    Banaszak Ilona SAVPROG - Prognostický ústav SAV

    Trifunovova Sonja SAVPROG - Prognostický ústav SAV

    Co-authors Slaviková Lenka
    Source document Environmental Policy and Governance. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2009), pp. 186-196
    Languageeng - English
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
    CitationsRAUSCHMAYER, Felix, PAAVOLA, Jouni, WITTNER, Heidi. European Governance of Natural Resources and Participation in a Multi - Level Context: An Editorial. In Environmental Policy and Governance, ISSN 1756-932X. 2009, vol. 19, no. 3, p. 141-147.
    NEWIG, Jens, FRITSCH, Oliver. Environmental Governance: participatory, multi-level-and effective? In Environmental Policy and Governance, ISSN 1756-932X. 2009, vol. 19, no. 3, p. 197-214.
    RAUSCHMAYER, F., BERGHÖFER, A., OMANN, I., ZIKOS, D. Examining processes or/and outcomes? Evaluation concepts in European governance of natural resources. In Environmental Policy and Governance, ISSN 1756-932X. 2009, vol. 19, no. 3, p. 159-173 .
    SANTAOJA, Minna. Potentials for Volunteer Insolvement in Conservation Site Management. An Example from Lake Ahtialanjärvi in Finland. Kap. 9. In Kluvánková-Oravská, T. et al. From Government to Governance? New Governance for Water and Biodiversity in an Enlarged Europe. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, 2010. s. 142-160. ISBN 978-80-87197-28-8.
    FALALEEVA, Maria, RAUSCHMAYER, Felix. Positive Assessments May be Short-lived: Outcomes and Processes of a World Bank Biodiversity Project in Belarus. Kap. 11. In Kluvánková-Oravská, T. et al. From Government to Governance? New Governance for Water and Biodiversity in an Enlarged Europe. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, 2010. s. 178-200. ISBN 978-80-87197-28-8.
    KOHLHEB, Norbert, BALÁZS, Bálint. The Human-nature Interplay in Forest Governance: Institutional Mapping of Hungarian Forestry. Kap. 12. In Kluvánková-Oravská, T. et al. From Government to Governance? New Governance for Water and Biodiversity in an Enlarged Europe. Praha: Alfa Nakladatelství, 2010. s. 200-217. ISBN 978-80-87197-28-8.
    BOERZEL, Tanja, BUZOGANY, Aron. Environmental organisations and the Europeanisation of public policy in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of biodiversity governance. In Environmental Politics, ISSN 0964-4016. 2010, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 708-735.
    KRONENBERG, Jakub, BERGIER, Tomasz. Sustainable development in a transition economy: example of Poland. In: Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis. 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 22–25 August 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.,Jakub_.pdf
    PRAGER, Katrin, PRAZAN, Jaroslav, PENOV, Ivan. Soil conservation in transition countries – the role of institutions. In: Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis. 11th biennial conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) 22–25 August 2010, Oldenburg and Bremen, Germany.,Katrin_.pdf
    GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata, CENT, Joanna. Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland? In Environmental Management, ISSN 0364-152X. 2011, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 11-27.
    HALL, C. Michael. A typology of governance and its implications for tourism policy analysis. In Journal of Sustainable Tourism, ISSN 0966-9582. 2011, vol. 19, no. 4-5, p. 437-457.
    TRYJANOWSKI, Piotr, HARTEL, Tibor, BALDI, Andras, SZYMANSKI, Pawel, TOBOLKA, Marcin, HERZON, Irina, GOLAWSKI, Artur, KONVICKA, Martin, HROMADA, Martin, JERZAK, Leszek, KUJAWA, Krzysztof, LENDA, Magdalena, ORLOWSKI, Grzegorz, PANEK, Marek, SKORKA, Piotr, SPARKS, Tim H., TWOREK, Stanislaw, WUCZYNSKI, Andrzej, ZMIHORSKI, Michal. Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe. In Acta Ornithologica, ISSN 0001-6454. 2011, vol. 46, no. 1, p. 1-12.
    BLICHARSKA, Malgorzata, ANGELSTAM, Per, ANTONSON, Hans, ELBAKIDZE, Marine, AXELSSON, Robert. Road, forestry and regional planners' work for biodiversity conservation and public participation: a case study in Poland's hotspot regions. In Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, ISSN 0964-0568. 2011, vol. 54, no. 10, p. 1373-1395.
    WESSELINK, Anna, PAAVOLA, Jouni, FRITSCH, Oliver, RENN, Ortwin. Rationales for public participation in environmental policy and governance: practitioners' perspectives. In Environment and Planning A, ISSN 0308-518X, 2011, vol. 43, no. 11, p. 2688-2704.
    PRAGER, Katrin, PRAŽAN, Jaroslav, PENOV, Ivan. Soil Conservation in Transition Countries: the Role of Institutions. In Environmental policy and Governance, ISSN 1756-932X. 2012, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 55-73.
    BLICHARSKA, Malgorzata, ANGELSTAM, Per, ELBAKIDZE, Marine, AXELSSON, Robert, SKORUBSKI, Maciej, WEGIEL, Andrzej. The Polish Promotional Forest Complexes: objectives, implementation and outcomes towards sustainable forest management? In Forest Policy and Economics, ISSN 1389-9341. 2012, vol. 23, p. 28-39.
    KRONENBERG, Jakub, BERGIER, Tomasz. Sustainable development in a transition economy: business case studies from Poland. In Journal of Cleaner Production, ISSN 0959-6526. 2012, vol. 26, p. 18-27.
    GORNER, Tomas, NAJMANOVA, Klara, CIHAR, Martin. Changes in Local People's Perceptions of the Sumava National Park in the Czech Republic over a Ten Year Period (1998-2008). In Sustainability, ISSN 1937-0695. 2012, vol. 4, no. 6, p. 1354-1370.
    NIEDZIALKOWSKI, Krzysztof, PAAVOLA, Jouni, JEDRZEJEWSKA, Bogumila. Participation and Protected Areas Governance: the Impact of Changing Influence of Local Authorities on the Conservation of the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Poland. In Ecology and Society, ISSN 1708-3087. 2012, vol. 17, no. 1.
    JOKINEN, Ari, RANTA, Pertti. Viola uliginosa and the geopolitics of nature [Luhtaorvokki ja luonnon geopolitiikka]. In Terra, ISSN 0040-3741. 2012, vol. 124, no. 1, p. 3-16.
    CARDOZO, L. S. et al. Discussões do Conselho Deliberativo da Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras, Bahia, Brasil: da gestão pesqueira à ambiental. In Revista da Gestão Costeira Integrada, ISSN 1646-8872. 2012, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 463-475.
    BRIZGA, Janis. How Well Sustainable Development Is Integrated into Environmental Policies? Case Study: Latvia. In Safety of Technogenic Environment, ISSN 2255-6923. 2012, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 24-34.
    DAHLSTROM, Anna, IUGA, Ana-Maria, LENNARTSSON, Tommy. Managing biodiversity rich hay meadows in the EU: a comparison of Swedish and Romanian grasslands. In Environmental Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 194-205.
    STRINGER, Lindsay C., PAAVOLA, Jouni. Participation in environmental conservation and protected area management in Romania: A review of three case studies. In Environmental Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 138-146.
    EVANTS, Douglas, DEMETER, Andras, GAJDOS, Peter, HALADA, Lubos. Adapting environmental conservation legislation for an enlarged European Union: experience from the Habitats Directive. In Environmenta Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 97-107.
    NIEDZIALKOWSKI, Krzysztof, PAAVOLA, Jouni, JEDRZEJEWSKA, Bogumila. Governance of biodiversity in Poland before and after the accession to the EU: the tale of two roads. In Environmental Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 108-118.
    CENT, Joanna, MERTENS, Cordula, NIEDZIALKOWSKI, Krzysztof. Roles and impacts of non-governmental organizations in Natura 2000 implementation in Hungary and Poland. In Environmental Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 119-128.
    FALALEEVA, Maria, RAUSCHMAYER, Felix. Evaluating environmental governance in a Belarusian World Bank biodiversity project. In Environmental Conservation, ISSN 0376-8929. 2013, vol. 40, no. 2, p. 147-156.
    MERTENS, Cordula. Playing at multiple levels in biodiversity governance: The case of Hungarian ENGOs in Natura 2000. In Society and Economy, ISSN 1588-9726. 2013, vol. 35, no. 2, p. 187-208.
    SARVAŠOVÁ, Zuzana, ŠÁLKA, Jaroslav, DOBŠINSKÁ, Zuzana. Mechanism of cross-sectoral coordination between nature protection and forestry in the Natura 2000 formulation process in Slovakia. In Journal of Environmental Management, ISSN 0301-4797. 2013, vol. 127, supplement:S, p. S65-S72.
    KEUNE, Hans, BAULER, Tom, WITTMER, Heidi. Inquiring into the Governance of Ecosystem Services: An Introduction. In Jacobs, S., Dendoncker, N., Keune, H. (Eds.) Ecosystem Services: Global Issues, Local Practices. Amsterdam Boston: Elsevier, 2013. p. 63-69. ISBN 978-01241996-4-4 .
    CENT, Joanna, GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata, PIETRZYK-KASZYNSKA, Agata. Emerging multilevel environmental governance - A case of public participation in Poland. In Journal for Nature Conservation, ISSN 1617-1381. 2014, vol. 22, no. 2, p. 93-102.
    ANDONOVA, Liliana B., TUTA, Ioana A. Transnational Networks and Paths to EU Environmental Compliance: Evidence from New Member States. In JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies, ISSN 0021-9886. 2014, vol. 52, no. 4, p. 775-793.
    BRAUN, Mats. Europeanization of environmental policy in the new Europe: Beyond conditionality. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014, 181 p. ISBN 978-140943294-4.
    PETROVA, Saška. Communities in transition: Protected nature and local people in Eastern and Central Europe. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2014. 191 p. ISBN 978-140944850-1.
    KAY, Kelly. Europeanization through biodiversity conservation: Croatia's bid for EU accession and the Natura 2000 designation process. In Geoforum, ISSN 0016-7185. 2014, vol. 54, p. 80-90.
    LOOS, Jacqueline, DORRESTEIJN, Ine, HANSPACH, Jan, FUST, Pascal, RAKOSY, Laszlo, FISCHER, Joern.Low-Intensity Agricultural Landscapes in Transylvania Support High Butterfly Diversity: Implications for Conservation. In PLOS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203. 2014, vol. 9, no. 7, Article Number: e103256.
    NIEDZIALKOWSKI, K., BLICHARSKA, M., MIKUSINSKI, G., JEDRZEJEWSKA, B. Why is it difficult to enlarge a protected area? Ecosystem services perspective on the conflict around the extension of the Bialowieza National Park in Poland. In Land Use Policy, ISSN 0264-8377. 2014, vol. 38, p. 314-329.
    HALL, C. M. Tourism and Social Marketing. New York, Abingdon: Routledge, 2014. 294 p. ISBN 978-0-415-57666-6, 978-0-203-85425-9, 978-0-415-57665-9.
    PETROVA, Saska. Contesting forest neoliberalization: Recombinant geographies of 'illegal' logging in the Balkans. In Geoforum, ISSN 0016-7185. 2014, vol. 55, p. 13-21.
    JARSKY, Vilem, SARVASOVA, Zuzana, DOBSINSKA, Zuzana, VENTRUBOVA, Katerina, SARVAS, Milan. Public support for forestry from EU funds - Cases of Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. In Journal of Forest Economics, ISSN 1104-6899. 2014, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 380-395.
    MIKULCAK, Friederike, HAIDER, Jamila L., ABSON, David J., NEWIG, Jens, FISCHER, Joern. Applying a capitals approach to understand rural development traps: A case study from post-socialist Romania. In Land Use Policy, ISSN 0264-8377. 2015, vol. 43, p. 248-258.
    PIETRZYK-KASZYNSKA, Agata, GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata. Bottom-up perspectives on nature conservation systems: The differences between regional and local administrations. In Environmental Science & Policy, ISSN 1462-9011. 2015, vol. 48, p. 20-31.
    CHMIELEWSKI, Waldemar, GLOGOWSKA, Magdalena. Implementation of the Natura 2000 Network in Poland - an Opportunity or a Threat to Sustainable Development of Rural Areas? Study on Local Stakeholders' Perception. In Eastern European Countryside, ISSN 1232-8855. 2015, vol. 21, p. 153-169.
    BLICHARSKA, Malgorzata, Van HERZELE, Ann. What a forest? Whose forest? Struggles over concepts and meanings in the debate about the conservation of the Bialowieza Forest in Poland. In Forest Policy and Economics, ISSN 1389-9341. 2015, vol. 57, p. 22-30.
    SOTIROV, Metodi, LOVRIC, Marko, WINKEL, Georg. Symbolic transformation of environmental governance: implementation of EU biodiversity policy in Bulgaria and Croatia between Europeanization and domestic politics. In Environment and Planning C- Government and Policy, ISSN 0263-774X. 2015, vol. 33, no. 5, Special Issuee, p. 986-1004.
    KOVACS, Eszter, KELEMEN, Eszter, KALOCZKAI, Agnes, MARGOCZI, Katalin, PATAKI, Gyoergy, GEBERT, Judit, MALOVICS, Gyoergy, BALAZS, Balint, ROBOZ, Agnes, KOVACS, Eszter Krasznai, MOHOK, Barbara. Understanding the links between ecosystem service trade-offs and conflicts in protected areas. In Ecosystem Services, ISSN 2212-0416. 2015, vol. 12, Special issue, p. 117-127.
    KEUNE, Hans, DENDONCKER, Nicolas, POPA, Florin et al. Emerging ecosystem services governance issues in the Belgium ecosystem services community of practice. In Ecosystem Services, ISSN 2212-0416. 2015, vol. 16, p. 212-219.
    MIHOK, Barbara, KOVACS, Eszter, BALAZS, Balint et al. Bridging the research-practice gap: Conservation research priorities in a Central and Eastern European country. In Journal for Nature Conservation, ISSN 1617-1381. 2015, vol. 28, p. 133-148.
    KOVAC, Marko, KUTNAR, Lado, HLADNIK, David. Assessing biodiversity and conservation status of the Natura 2000 forest habitat types: Tools for designated forestlands stewardship. In Forest Ecology and Management, ISSN 0378-1127. 2016, vol. 359, p. 256-267.
    KUBACKA, Marta, MACIAS, Andrzej. The Functioning of Natura 2000 Areas in the Opinion of Different Groups From the Local Community: A Case Study From Poland. In Society & Natural Resources, ISSN 0894-1920. 2016, vol. 29, no. 10, p. 1186-1197.
    NIEDZIALKOWSKI, Krzysztof, PIETRZYK-KASZYNSKA, Agata, PIETRUCZUK, Monika, GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata. Assessing participatory and multi-level characteristics of biodiversity and landscape protection legislation: the case of Poland. In Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, ISSN 0964-0568. 2016, vol. 59, no. 10, p. 1891-1911.
    GARFI, Vittorio, CANTIANI, Paolo, KOVAC, Marko, SANSONE, Dalila, CARRARO, Giovanni, PAVONE, Nicola, MARCHETTI, Marco. Italian and Slovenian forest governances within the International context. In Italian Journal of Agronomy, ISSN 1125-4718. 2016, vol. 11, Supplement: 1, p. 5-10.
    SATTLER, Claudia, SCHROTER, Barbara, MEYER, Angela, GIERSCH, Gregor, MEYER, Claas, MATZDORF, Bettina. Multilevel governance in community-based environmental management: a case study comparison from Latin America. In Ecology and Society, ISSN 1708-3087. 2016, vol. 21, no. 4, Article Number: 24.
    BALESTRIERI, Alessandro, MESSINA, Simone, PELLA, Francesca, PRIGIONI, Claudio, SAINO, Nicola, FASOLA, Mauro. Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in developing countries: a resurvey of Albania 22 years after the fall of communism. In ORYX, ISSN 0030-6053. 2016, vol. 50, no. 2, p. 368-373.
    BLICHARSKA, Malgorzata, ORLIKOWSKA, Ewa H., ROBERGE, Jean-Michel, GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata. Contribution of social science to large scale biodiversity conservation: A review of research about the Natura 2000 network. In Biological Conservation, ISSN 0006-3207. 2016, vol. 199, p. 110-122.
    MACZKA, Krzysztof, MATCZAK, Piotr, PIETRZYK-KASZYNSKA, Agata, RECHCINSKI, Marcin, OLSZANSKA, Agnieszka, CENT, Joanna, GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, Malgorzata. Application of the ecosystem services concept in environmental policy-A systematic empirical analysis of national level policy documents in Poland. In Ecological Economics, ISSN 0921-8009. 2016, vol. 128, p. 169-176.
    KRONENBERG, Jakub, PIETRZYK-KASZYNSKA, Agata, ZBIEG, Anita, ZAK, Blazej. Wasting collaboration potential: A study in urban green space governance in a post-transition country. In Environmental Science & Policy, ISSN 1462-9011. 2016, vol. 62, Special Issue: SI, p. 69-78.
    PIWOWARCZYK, Joanna, WROBEL, Borys. Determinants of legitimate governance of marine Natura 2000 sites in a post-transition European Union country: A case study of Puck Bay, Poland. In Marine Policy, ISSN 0308-597X. 2016, vol. 71, p. 310-317.
    POTLUKA, Oto, SPACEK, Martin, REMR, Jiri. Non-governmental Organizations as Partners: Obstacles in the EU Cohesion Policy? In Ekonomicky casopis, ISSN 0013-3035. 2017, vol. 65, no. 8, p. 715-736.
    YANG, Xiaoxin, GRIGORESCU, Adriana. Measuring economic spatial evolutional trend of Central and Eastern Europe by SDE method. In Contemporary Economics, ISSN 2300-8814. 2017, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 253-266.
    SCHMIDT, Sebastian, BUSSE, Stephan, NURIYEV, Elshan. Government and biodiversity governance in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan: an institutional perspective. In Environment, Development and Sustainability, ISSN 1387-585X. 2017, vol. 19, no. 5, p. 1953-1980.
    HOSSU, Constantina Alina, IOJA, Joan Cristian, NITA, Mihai R., HARTEL, Tibor, BADIU, Denisa L., HERSPERGER, Anna M. Need for a cross-sector approach in protected area management. In Land Use Policy, ISSN 0264-8377. 2017, vol. 69, p. 586-597.
    KOVACS, Eszter, KELEMEN, Eszter, KISS, Gabriella, KALOCZKAI, Agnes, FABOK, Veronika, MIHOK, Barbara, MEGYESI, Boldizsar, PATAKI, Gyorgy, BODORKOS, Barbara, BALAZS, Balint, BELA, Gyorgyi, MARGOCZI, Katalin, ROBOZ, Agnes, MOLNAR, Daniel. Evaluation of participatory planning: Lessons from Hungarian Natura 2000 management planning processes. In Journal of Environmental Management, ISSN 0301-4797. 2017, vol. 204, Part: I., pp. 540-550. Dostupné na:
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