Number of the records: 1
Forgotten in time: The state of legislation, recovery, identification and repatriation of World War I and II soldiers in Slovakia
Title Forgotten in time: The state of legislation, recovery, identification and repatriation of World War I and II soldiers in Slovakia Author Putško Mária Beljak Ján 1979- SAVARCHE - Archeologický ústav SAV SCOPUS RID ORCID Co-authors Bordáč Miloš Krajčovič Jozef Source document Forensic Science International. Vol. 319 (2021), art. no. 110673 Language eng - English Country GB - Great Britian Document kind rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Category ADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted) Category of document (from 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Type of document článok Year 2021 Registered in WOS Registered in SCOPUS Registered in CCC DOI 10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110673 article
File name Access Size Downloaded Type License Forgotten in time.pdf Prístupný z IP adries SAV 943 KB 1 Author's preprint rok CC IF IF Q (best) JCR Av Jour IF Perc SJR SJR Q (best) CiteScore A rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2021 2020 2.395 Q2 0.912 Q1
Number of the records: 1