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Changes in feather condition in relation to feather pecking and aggressive behaviour in laying hens

  1. TitleChanges in feather condition in relation to feather pecking and aggressive behaviour in laying hens
    Author Bilčík Boris 1966- SAVBIOGE - Ústav biochémie a genetiky živočíchov SAV    SCOPUS    RID    ORCID
    Co-authors Keeling Linda J.
    Source document British Poultry Science. Vol. 40, no. 4 (1999), p. 444–451
    Languageeng - English
    CountryGB - Great Britian
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
    CitationsUITDEHAAG, K. A. - RODENBURG, T. B. - KOMEN, H. - KEMP, B. - VAN ARENDONK, J. A. M. The Association of Response to a Novel Object with Subsequent Performance and Feather Damage in Adult, Cage-Housed, Pure-Bred Rhode Island Red Laying Hens. In POULTRY SCIENCE. ISSN 0032-5791, 2008, vol. 87, no. 12, p. 2486-2492.
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    WICHMAN, Anette - DE GROOT, Rosan - HASTAD, Olle - WALL, Helena - RUBENE, Diana. Influence of Different Light Spectrums on Behaviour and Welfare in Laying Hens. In ANIMALS. ISSN 2076-2615, 2021, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. Dostupné na:
    SCHREITER, Ruben - DAMME, Klaus - FREICK, Markus. Relation between Feed Particle Size Distribution and Plumage Condition in Laying Hens on Commercial Farms. In ANIMALS. ISSN 2076-2615, 2021, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. Dostupné na:
    PICHOVA, Katarina - KOSTAL, Lubor - DE HAAN, Tara I. - VAN DER EIJK, Jerine A. J. - RODENBURG, T. Bas. High and low feather pecking selection lines of laying hens differ in response to a judgment bias test. In APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE. ISSN 0168-1591, 2021, vol. 238, no., pp. Dostupné na:
    RIEKE, Lorena - SPINDLER, Birgit - ZYLKA, Isabel - KEMPER, Nicole - GIERSBERG, Mona Franziska. Pecking Behavior in Conventional Layer Hybrids and Dual-Purpose Hens Throughout the Laying Period. In FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 2021, vol. 8, no., pp. Dostupné na:
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    VAN STAAVEREN, Nienke - ELLIS, Jennifer - BAES, Christine F. - HARLANDER-MATAUSCHEK, Alexandra. A meta-analysis on the effect of environmental enrichment on feather pecking and feather damage in laying hens. In Poultry Science. ISSN 00325791, 2021-02-01, 100, 2, pp. 397-411. Dostupné na:
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    VAN EMOUS, Rick A. - MENS, Annemarie J. W. Broiler breeders roosted more on slats than on perches during the laying period. In APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE. ISSN 0168-1591, 2022, vol. 246, no., pp. Dostupné na:
    TAHAMTANI, Fernanda M. - KITTELSEN, Kathe - VASDAL, Guro. Environmental enrichment in commercial flocks of aviary housed laying hens: relationship with plumage condition and fearfulness. In POULTRY SCIENCE, 2022, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. Dostupné na:
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    SCHREITER, R. - FREICK, M. Research Note: Is infrared thermography an appropriate method for early detection and objective quantification of plumage damage in white and brown feathered laying hens?. In POULTRY SCIENCE. ISSN 0032-5791, SEP 2022, vol. 101, no. 9. Dostupné na:
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    SCHWARZER, A. - ERHARD, M. - SCHMIDT, P. - ZISMANN, M. - LOUTON, H. Effects of Stocking Rate and Environmental Enrichment on the Ontogeny of Pecking Behavior of Laying Hen Pullets Confined in Aviary Compartments during the First 4 Weeks of Life. In ANIMALS. ISSN 2076-2615, OCT 2022, vol. 12, no. 19. Dostupné na:
    SCHREITER, R. - HERZOG, M. - FREICK, M. Effects of the poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae) load on the plumage condition in commercial laying hen farms. In PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203, NOV 11 2022, vol. 17, no. 11. Dostupné na:
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