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Geoglossum simile of North America and Europe: distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of an epitype

  1. TitleGeoglossum simile of North America and Europe: distribution of a widespread earth tongue species and designation of an epitype
    Author Hustad Vincent P.
    Co-authors Kučera Viktor SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV    ORCID

    Rybáriková Nikola SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV

    Lizoň Pavel 1945- SAVBOTAN - Botanický ústav SAV

    Gaisler Jan

    Baroni Timothy J.

    Miller Andrew N.

    Source document Mycological Progress. Vol. 13, no. 3 (2014), p. 857-866
    Languageeng - English
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
    KeywordsAscomycota * Geoglossomycetes * Fungal conservation * Phylogenetics * Systematics
    CitationsARAUZO, S. - IGLESIAS, P. La familia Geoglossaceae en la península ibérica y la Macaronesia. In Errotari, 2014, vol. 11, p. 166-259. ISSN 1885-2688.
    GUATIMOSIM, E. - SCHWARTSBURD, P.B. - CROUS, P.W. - BARRETO, R.W. Novel fungi from an ancient niche: lachnoid and chalara-like fungi on ferns. In Mycological Progress, 2016, vol. 15, no. 12, p. 1239-1267. ISSN 1617-416X.
    RAUDABAUGH, D.B. - ITURRIAGA, T. - CARVER, A. - MONDO, S. - PANGILINAN, J. - LIPZEN, A. - HE, G.F. - AMIREBRAHIMI, M. - GRIGORIEV, I.V. - MILLER, A.N. iConiella lustricola/i, a new species from submerged detritus. In MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS. ISSN 1617-416X, JAN 2018, vol. 17, no. 1-2, SI, p. 191-203. Dostupné na:
    RAUDABAUGH, Daniel Bruce. Species Distribution, Phylogenetic Structure and Functional Roles of Detritus Inhabiting Fungi Across Contrasting Aquatic Environments. Dissertation/Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Plant Biology, Illinois, United States, 2019. ISBN 9798780601333.
    MELIE, Tina - PIRRO, Stacy - MILLER, Andrew N. - SMITH, Stacey D. - SCHUTZ, Kyle S. - QUANDT, C. Alisha. Comparative genomics and phylogenomic investigation of the class Geoglossomycetes provide insights into ecological specialization and the systematics of Pezizomycotina. In MYCOLOGIA. ISSN 0027-5514, JUL 4 2023, vol. 115, no. 4, p. 499-512. Dostupné na:
    MELIE, Tina. Genomic Investigations in Ascomycota: Leveraging Machine Learning, Phylogenetics, and Comparative Genomics Methods to Explore Evolution and Ecological Specialization. Dissertation/Thesis. University of Colorado at Boulder, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Colorado, United States, 2023. ISBN 9798381165531.
    CategoryADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted)
    Category of document (from 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
    Type of documentčlánok
    Registered inWOS
    Registered inSCOPUS
    Registered inCCC
    DOI 10.1007/s11557-014-0969-z


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