Number of the records: 1
Report D2.2. Transdisciplinary understanding of SI in MRAs
Title Report D2.2. Transdisciplinary understanding of SI in MRAs. [elektronický zdroj] Author Kluvánková Tatiana 1968- RID ORCID Co-authors Gežík Veronika 1978- Špaček Martin Brnkaľáková Stanislava 1989- RID ORCID Slee Bill Polman Nico Valero Diana Bryce Rosalind Alkhaled Sophie Secco Laura Burlando Catie Kozová Mária Miller David Nijnik Maria Perlik Manfred Pisani Elena Price Martin Sarkki Simo Weiss Gerhard Another authors Kluvánková Tatiana 1968- (673) SAVEKLES - Ústav ekológie lesa SAV RID ORCID Nijnik Maria (673) Issue data EU , 2017. - ii, 49 p. Language eng - English Country EU Note Work Programme: Topic ISIB-03-2015. Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation. - Popis urobený dňa 18. 1. 2018. - Názov z obrazovky počítača. - Požaduje sa internetový prehliadač URL URL link Document kind elektronické dokumenty (napr. listy, články, knihy, zborníky) Citations EID, Y. - NAWAR, M. - EL-BENDARY, A. 'Local Community Participation in Social Innovation Initiatives for Enhancing the Quality of Life: A Case Study in Rural Egypt', In Scientific Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2023, vol. 5, iss. 2, p. 103-120. ISSN 2535-1796. DOI: 10.21608/sjas.2023.203645.1290 Category GAI - Reports Year 2017 book
Number of the records: 1