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Your query: Publisher = "COST"
  1. TitleEffect of medicinal plants and organic selenium on immune responses in lambs with haemonchosis
    Author Batťányi Dominika 1993 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Co-authors Petrič Daniel 1993 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Babják Michal SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Váradyová Zora 1964 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Várady Marián SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Action APVV 18-0131. ALTREAT - Alternatívne terapie parazitóz malých prežúvavcov : 1.7.2019 - 30.6.2023
    Doktogrant APP0029. Vplyv medicinálnych rastlín na imunitné reakcie jahniat infikovaných parazitom Haemanchus contortus : 1.1.2020-31.12.2020
    Source document Final Combar Conference. Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: options for the future. 7-8 March 2022, Athens, Greece : Making parasite control simple and sustainable. Abstract book. S. 25. - Greece : COST, 2022 ; Final Combar conference
    CategoryGII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above
    Category of document (from 2022)I2 - Iný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť publikácie alebo zborníka
    Type of documentčasti, ktoré nemožno zaradiť do kategórie V, O, P, U alebo D


  2. TitleEffect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) pellets on ruminal fermentation, microbiome and hematological parameters in lambs experimentally infected with Haemonchus contortus
    Author Petrič Daniel 1993 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Co-authors Batťányi Dominika 1993 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Váradyová Zora 1964 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Várady Marián SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Action APVV 18-0131. ALTREAT - Alternatívne terapie parazitóz malých prežúvavcov : 1.7.2019 - 30.6.2023
    DoktoGrant APP0162. Vplyv vičenca vikolistého (Onobrychis viciifolia) na bachorovú fermentáciu, protozoálnu populáciu a hematologický profil u jahniat s hemonchózou : 01.01.2021-31.12.2021
    Source document Final Combar Conference. Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: options for the future. 7-8 March 2022, Athens, Greece : Making parasite control simple and sustainable. Abstract book. S. 31. - Greece : COST, 2022 ; Final Combar conference
    CategoryGII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above
    Category of document (from 2022)I2 - Iný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť publikácie alebo zborníka
    Type of documentčasti, ktoré nemožno zaradiť do kategórie V, O, P, U alebo D
    URLURL link


  3. TitleFinal Combar Conference. Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: options for the future. 7-8 March 2022, Athens, Greece : Making parasite control simple and sustainable. Abstract book
    Action Final Combar conference : 7-9 March, 2022 : Athens, Greece
    Issue dataGreece : COST , 2022. - 36 s.
    Issue1. vyd.
    Category of document (from 2022)O1 - Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako celok
    Type of documentzborník
    URLURL link
    References (3) Publication Activity of SAV - Articles


  4. TitleIncreasing importance of anthelmintic resistance in European livestock: creation and meta-analysis of an open database
    Author Vineer Hannah Rose
    Co-authors Morgan Eric René
    Hertzberg Hubertus
    Bartley David J.
    Bosco Antonio
    Charlier Émilie
    Várady Marián
    [et al.]
    Source document Final Combar Conference. Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: options for the future. 7-8 March 2022, Athens, Greece : Making parasite control simple and sustainable. Abstract book. S.15. - Greece : COST, 2022 ; Final Combar conference
    CategoryGII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above
    Category of document (from 2022)O2 - Odborný výstup publikačnej činnosti ako časť knižnej publikácie alebo zborníka
    Type of documentabstrakt z podujatia
    URLURL link


  5. TitleAffordability of energy for specific groups of people (Roma community) in Slovakia
    Author Dokupilová Dušana 1976 - SAVPROG - Prognostický ústav SAV
    Issue dataEP-pedia, ENGAGER COST Action , 2021
    CategoryAGI - Reports on solved scientific and research tasks
    URLURL link
    File nameAccessSizeDownloadedTypeLicense
    Affordability of energy for specific groups of people (Roma community) in Slovakia .pdfavailable107.9 KB0Publisher's version


  6. TitleJoint Combar WG Meeting, 9-10 December 2020. Anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: From Research to Recommendations : Poster Book
    Action Joint Combar WG Meeting : December 9-10, 2020
    Issue dataCOST , 2020. - 23s.
    References (1) Publication Activity of SAV - Articles


  7. TitleExperimental haemonchosis in lambs: effect of medicinal herbs on histopathology. [elektronický zdroj]
    Author Batťányi Dominika 1993 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Co-authors Sobczak-Filipiak M.
    Kaba Jaroslaw
    Váradyová Zora 1964 SAVFYHOZ - Ústav fyziológie hospodárskych zvierat SAV
    Várady Marián SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Source document Joint Combar WG Meeting, 9-10 December 2020. Anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: From Research to Recommendations : Poster Book. S. 17. - : COST, 2020 ; Joint Combar WG Meeting
    CategoryGII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above
    URLURL link


  8. TitleA microfluidic model of the kidney - a platform for the determination of reanl toxicity
    Author Jakič Kristína SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV
    Co-authors Kohl Y.L.
    Spring S.
    Bábelová Andrea 1976- SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV
    Šramková Monika 1979- SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV
    Hesler M.
    Knoll T.
    Gábelová Alena 1955- SAVBIOMED - Biomedicínske centrum SAV
    Action HISENTS H2020. 685817 Vysokointegrovany senzor na skrining nanotoxicity. Horizon 2020 : 2014-2020
    APVV-16-0579. Nanočastice zlata: vplyv fyzikálno-chemických vlastností na ich distribúciu, akumuláciu a dlhodobú toxicitu in vivo (BIONANOGOLD) : 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2021 : BMC-UEO
    VEGA 2/0056/17. Indukcia apoptózy kyselinou betulínovou naviazanou na magnetické nanočastice v ľudských nádorových bunkách hrubého čreva : 2017-2020
    COST Action CA17140. Nano2Clinic. Nanomedicína rakoviny - z laboratória k pacientovi. Cancer nanomedicine - from the bench to the bedside : 2018-2022 : BMC
    Source document The extracellular vesicles paradigm of intra and intercellular communication : 3rd CellFit annual meeting. P. 55. - Athens, Greece : COST, 2019 ; CellFit annual meeting The extracellular vesicles paradigm of intra and intercellular communication
    CategoryGII - Other publications and documents which is not possible to categorize into classes/categories mentioned above


  9. TitleICNf 2019 and ESNf 2019. [elektronický zdroj] : 1st International Conference on Nanofluids (ICNf) and the 2nd European Symposium on Nanofluids (ESNf), 26th-28th June, 2019, Castelló, Spain : Conference Proceedings
    Action ICNf 2019. International Conference on Nanofluids ( 1st : 26th-28th June, 2019 : Castelló, Spain )
    ESNf 2019. European Symposium on Nanofluids ( 2nd : 26th-28th June, 2019 : Castelló, Spain )
    Issue dataNanouptake COST Action , 2019. - 565 s.
    CategoryFAI - Editorial work on book publications (bibliographies, encyclopedias, catalogues, dictionaries, collective publications/proceedings, atlases ...)
    URLURL link
    References (2) Publication Activity of SAV - Articles


  10. TitleThe extracellular vesicles paradigm of intra and intercellular communication : 3rd CellFit annual meeting
    Action CellFit annual meeting. The extracellular vesicles paradigm of intra and intercellular communication ( 3rd : 10-12 October, 2019 : Athens, Greece )
    Issue dataAthens, Greece : COST , 2019
    References (1) Publication Activity of SAV - Articles


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