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Your query: Publisher = "University of Veterinary Medicine"
  1. TitleProceedings of Contributions and Abstracts : Conference on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of UVMP IN Košice.
    Another authors Korytár Ľuboš
    Action School – Science – Practice. Proceedings of Contributions and Abstracts, : 17-18 Sepetmeber 2019, : Košice
    Issue dataKošice : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice , 2019
    CategoryFAI - Editorial work on book publications (bibliographies, encyclopedias, catalogues, dictionaries, collective publications/proceedings, atlases ...)
    References (1) Publication Activity of SAV - Articles


  2. TitleGreen synthesis of silver nanoparticles with medicinal plant extracts
    Author Salayová Aneta
    Co-authors Filčáková Zuzana
    Bedlovičová Zdenka
    Baláž Matej 1988 SAVGEOTE - Ústav geotechniky SAV
    Kováčová Mária SAVGEOTE - Ústav geotechniky SAV
    Lukáčová Bujňáková Zdenka 1983 SAVGEOTE - Ústav geotechniky SAV
    Tkáčiková Ľudmila
    Source document Proceedings of Contributions and Abstracts : Conference on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of UVMP IN Košice.. P. 234. - Košice : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, 2019 / Korytár Ľuboš ; School – Science – Practice Proceedings of Contributions and Abstracts,
    CategoryAFH - Abstracts of papers from domestic conferences


  3. TitleTime-space epidemiological analysis of tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease in Slovakia, 2001-2015
    Author Peťko Branislav SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Majláthová Viktória SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Víchová Bronislava SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Majláth Igor
    Action ITMS 26220120022. Centre of Exellence for Parasitology
    ITMS 26220220116. Ochrana životného prostredia pred parazitozoonózami pod vplyvom globálnych klimatických a spoločenských zmien : 2011-2014
    APVV SK-CN-2015-0010. Výskum štruktúry a dynamiky horského ohniska kliešťami prenášaných nákaz v podmienkach globálnych klimatických zmien : 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2017
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference.. S. 56-60. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; Kočišová Alica ; Ondrejková A. ; Novoa Garrido Margarita ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  4. TitleImpact of global change on fish parasitology and fish-borne diseases
    Author Oros Mikuláš SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Action Vega č. 2/0159/16. Pásomnice (Cestoda) rýb v Severnej Amerike: získanie nových poznatkov o evolučne a medicínsky významných parazitoch : 2016-20196
    APVV-15-0004. Emerging fish-borne zoonozes in Europe: molecular diagnostics, origin and distribution of Diphyllobothrium : 07/2016 - 06/2020
    SAS-Most JRP 2016/7. Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonotic Parasitosis Caused by Fish-Borne Parasites: Health Risks Associated with Consumption of Fish : 2017-2019
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference.. S. 25-29. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; Kočišová Alica ; Ondrejková A. ; Novoa Garrido Margarita ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  5. TitlePrevalence of tick-borne pathogens in free-ranging ungulates in the small Carpathian mountains (Southwestern Slovakia)
    Author Kocianová Elena 1948 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Hamšíková Zuzana SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV
    Špitalská Eva 1975 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV
    Minichová Lenka SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV
    Mahríková Lenka SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV
    Caban R.
    Kazimírová Mária 1957- SAVZOOL - Ústav zoológie SAV
    Action International scientific conference on the impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : 2-6 May 2017 : Košice
    Projekt: APVV-0280-12. Identifikácia biomarkerov na diagnostiku rickettsií, Coxíella burnetii a im príbuzných organizmov imunoproteomickými a molekulárne biologickými metódami
    FP7-261504 EDENext. Biology and Control of Vector-borne Infections in Europe
    Source document Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts: International scientific conference on the impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health.. P. 114-118. - Košice : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregová Gabriela ; International scientific conference on the impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  6. TitleAre there any changes in vertical distribution and seasonal dynamics of Ixodes ricinus ticks in Slovakia over the last decades? : prednáška
    Author Stanko Michal 1957- SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Mošanský Ladislav SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Action The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health. International scientific conference : 2-6 May 2017 : Košice
    Vega č.2/0059/15. Prírodné ohniská v mestách na príklade košickej aglomerácie: štruktúra a dynamika v priestore a v čase. : 2015-2018
    VEGA č.1/0196/15. Stanovenie miery rizika výskytu vybraných intracelulárnych patogénov so zoonotickým potenciálom. : 1/2015 – 12/2017
    APVV-14-0274. Drobné cicavce ako potenciálny zdroj zoonotických bakterií a rezistencie na antibiotiká : 2015-2019
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference.. P. 54-55. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  7. book


  8. TitleNew evidence of Trichinella pseudospiralis in birds of prey in Slovakia - is the global change to blame?
    Author Hurníková Zuzana SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Komorová Petronela
    Chovancová Gabriela
    Action ITMS 26220120022. Centre of Exellence for Parasitology
    APVV-15-0114. Standardisation of new approaches in the diagnosis of important helminthic diseases of humans and their application into the practice in the light of actual epidemiological and social conditions of Slovakia. : 2016-2020
    Vega č.2/0018/16. Novo sa objavujúce závažné parazitárne a vektormi prenášané ochorenia psov, ich epidemiológia a diagnostika : 2016-2019
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference.. S. 218-222. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; Kočišová Alica ; Ondrejková A. ; Novoa Garrido Margarita ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  9. TitleImpact of climate on seasonal dynamics of ticks
    Author Raši Tomáš
    Co-authors Majláthová Viktória SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Majláth Igor
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference. S. 109-113. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; Kočišová Alica ; Ondrejková A. ; Novoa Garrido Margarita ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


  10. TitleHymenolepis nana in small rodents from pet shops in Slovakia - potential human infection risk
    Author Halapy Júlia SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Co-authors Antolová Daniela SAVPARAZ - Parazitologický ústav SAV
    Halán M.
    Action ITMS 26220220018. Application Centre to Protect humans, animals and plants against parasites
    Source document The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health : Proceedings of scientific contributions and abstracts. International scientific conference.. S. 214-217. - : University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Slovakia, 2017 / Prokeš Marián ; Gregorová G. ; Kočišová Alica ; Ondrejková A. ; Novoa Garrido Margarita ; The impact of global change on the environment, human and animal health International scientific conference ; EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 in Slovak Republic
    CategoryAFD - Published papers from domestic scientific conferences


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