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Your query: Author Sysno/Doc.kind = "^sav_un_auth 0189349 xcla^"
  1. TitleVascular plants diversity in short rotation coppices: a reliable source of ecosystem services or farmland dead loss?. [elektronický zdroj]
    Title translationRozmanitosť cievnatých rastlín v porastoch s krátkou rotáciou: spoľahlivý zdroj ekosystémových služieb alebo mŕtva strata poľnohospodárskej pôdy
    Author Fehér Alexander
    Co-authors Končeková Lýdia
    Halmová Daniela
    Prus Piotr
    Izakovičová Zita 1959 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV
    Dragoi Marian
    Source document iFOREST - Biogeosciences and Forestry. Vol. 13 (2020), p. 345-350
    CategoryADCA - Scientific papers in foreign journals registered in Current Contents Connect with IF (impacted)
    Category of document (from 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
    Type of documentčlánok
    DOI 10.3832/ifor3055-013
    URLURL link


  2. TitleVariety dependence of production and energetic potential of fast growing woody plants of genus Salix and Populus in the first and second three-years harvest cycles and energetic grass Miscanthus in agro-climatic conditions of Southwestern Slovakia
    Author Otepka Pavol
    Co-authors Bielik Pavol
    Demo Milan
    Fehér Alexander
    Halmová Daniela
    Hauptvogl Martin
    Prčík Martin
    Húska Dušan
    Končeková L.
    Fiľa Milan
    Antal Jaroslav
    Maga Juraj
    Pospišil Richard
    Tóthová Monika
    Ferus Peter 1977- SAVARBO - Arborétum Mlyňany SAV
    Source documentIntegrated rural development 2014. s.. - Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2014
    CategoryBFBB - Abstracts of scientific papers from domestic action


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