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Sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of nonlinear multidelay differential equations with linear parts defined by pairwise permutable matrices
Názov Sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of nonlinear multidelay differential equations with linear parts defined by pairwise permutable matrices Autor Pospíšil Michal 1984 SAVMATEM - Matematický ústav SAV Spoluautori Medveď Milan SAVMATEM - Matematický ústav SAV Zdroj.dok. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. Vol. 75, no. 7 (2012), p. 3348-3363 Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Krajina GB - Veľká Británia Druh dok. rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Ohlasy DIBLIK, Josef - MORAVKOVA, Blanka. Discrete matrix delayed exponential for two delays and its property. In ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS. ISSN 1687-1847, 2013. DIBLIK, J. - MORAVKOVA, B. Representation of the Solutions of Linear Discrete Systems with Constant Coefficients and Two Delays. In ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS. ISSN 1085-3375, 2014. Art. no. 320476. LUO, Zijian - FECKAN, Michal - WANG, JinRong. A new method to study ILC problem for time-delay linear systems. In ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS. 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