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Recent plant diversity changes on Europe's mountain summits

  1. NázovRecent plant diversity changes on Europe's mountain summits
    Autor Pauli Harald
    Spoluautori Gottfried Michael

    Dullinger Stefan

    Abdaladze Otari

    Akhalkatsi Maia

    Alonso José Luis Benito

    Coldea Gheorghe

    Dick Jan

    Erschbamer Brigitta

    Calzado María Rosa Fernández

    Ghosn Dany

    Holten Jarle I.

    Kanka Róbert 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV

    Kazakis George

    Kollár Jozef 1975 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV

    Larsson Per

    Moiseev Pavel

    Moiseev Dmitry

    Molau Ulf

    Mesa Joaquín Molero

    Nagy Laszlo

    Pelino Giovanni

    Puscas Mihai

    Rossi Graziano

    Stanisci Angela

    Syverhuset Anne O.

    Theurillat Jean-Paul

    Tomaselli Marcello

    Unterluggauer Peter

    Villar Luis

    Vittoz Pascal

    Grabherr Georg

    Zdroj.dok. Science. Vol. 336 (2012), p. 353-355
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    KrajinaUS - Spojené štáty
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    RUIZ-LABOURDETTE, D. - GENOVA, M. - SCHMITZ, M. F. - URRUTIA, R. - PINEDA, F. D. Summer rainfall variability in European Mediterranean mountains from the sixteenth to the twentieth century reconstructed from tree rings. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 2014, vol. 58, no. 7, p. 1 627-1 639, ISSN 0020-7128.
    ZHU, Kai - WOODALL, Christopher W. - GHOSH, Souparno - GELFAND, Alan E. - CLARK, James S. Dual impacts of climate change: forest migration and turnover through life history. In GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2014, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 251-264, ISSN 1354-1013.
    GRATANI, L. - CRESCENTE, M. F. - D´AMATO, V. - RICOTTA, C. - FRATTAROLI, A. R. - PUGLIELLI, G. Leaf traits variation in Sesleria nitida growing at different altitudes in the Central Apennines. In PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2014, vol. 52, no. 3, p. 386-396, ISSN 0300-3604.
    BUENTGEN, Ulf - LIEBHOLD, Andrew - JENNY, Hannes - MYSTERUD, Atle - EGLI, Simon - NIEVERGELT, Daniel - STENSETH, Nils C. - BOLLMANN, Kurt. European springtime temperature synchronises ibex horn growth across the eastern Swiss Alps. In ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2014, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 303-313, ISSN 1461-023X.
    ZOTZ, Gerhard - MENDIETA-LEIVA, Glenda - WAGNER, Katrin. Vascular epiphytes at the treeline composition of species assemblages and population biology. In FLORA, 2014, vol. 209, no. 8, p. 385-390, ISSN 0367-2530.
    SCHWOERER, Christoph - KALTENRIEDER, Petra - GLUR, Lukas - BERLINGER, Matthias - ELBERT, Julie - FREI, Stephanie - GILLI, Adrian - HAFNER, Albert - ANSELMETTI, Flavio S. - GROSJEAN, Martin - TINNER, Willy. Holocene climate, fire and vegetation dynamics at the treeline in the Northwestern Swiss Alps. In VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY, 2014, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 479-496, ISSN 0939-6314.
    SANDVIK, Sylvi Marlen - ODLAND, Arvid. Changes in alpine snowbed-wetland vegetation over three decades in northern Norway. In NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY, 2014, vol. 32, no. 3, p. 377-384, ISSN 0107-055X.
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    KategóriaADCA - Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch impaktovaných
    Kategória (od 2022)V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu
    Typ výstupučlánok
    Rok vykazovania2012
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    DOI 10.1126/science.1219033


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