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Out of the tropics, but how? Fossils, bridge species, and thermal ranges in the dynamics of the marine latitudinal diversity gradient

  1. NázovOut of the tropics, but how? Fossils, bridge species, and thermal ranges in the dynamics of the marine latitudinal diversity gradient
    Autor Jablonski David
    Spoluautori Belanger C. L.

    Berke S. K.

    Huang S.

    Krug Andrew Z.

    Roy K.

    Tomašových Adam 1978 -    SCOPUS    ORCID

    Valentine J. W.

    Zdroj.dok. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 110 (2013) p. 10487-10494
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
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