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Disentangling observer error and climate change effects in long-term monitoring of alpine plant species composition and cover
Názov Disentangling observer error and climate change effects in long-term monitoring of alpine plant species composition and cover Preklad názvu Chyba pozorovateľa a vplyv klimatických zmien v kontexte dlhodobého monitoringu pokryvnosti a druhového zloženia alpínskej vegetácie Autor Futschik Andreas Spoluautori Winkler Manuela Steinbauer Klaus Lamprecht Andrea Rumpf Sabine B. Barančok Peter 1962 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV Palaj Andrej 1988 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV Gottfried Michael Pauli Harald Zdroj.dok. Journal of Vegetation Science. Vol. 31, iss. 1 (2020), p. 14-25 Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Krajina SE - Švédsko URL URL link Druh dok. rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Heslá alpine plants * Alps * climate change effects * cover * GLORIA * High Tatras * long-term monitoring * observer error * species composition * species turnover * thermic vegetation indicator Ohlasy MORRISON, Lloyd W. - LEIS, Sherry A. - DEBACKER, Michael D. Interobserver error in grassland vegetation surveys: sources and implications. In JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY. ISSN 1752-9921, 2020, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 641-648. VALLESE, C. - DI MUSCIANO, M. - MUGGIA, L. - GIORDANI, P. - FRANCESCONI, L. - BENESPERI, R. - CHIARUCCI, A. - DI CECCO, V. - DI MARTINO, L. - DI NUZZO, L. - GHEZA, G. - ZANNINI, P. - NASCIMBENE, J. Water-energy relationships shape the phylogenetic diversity of terricolous lichen communities in Mediterranean mountains: Implications for conservation in a climate change scenario. In FUNGAL ECOLOGY. ISSN 1754-5048, 2022, vol. 60. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funeco.2022.101189. BOCH, S. - KüCHLER, H. - KüCHLER, M. - BEDOLLA, A. - ECKER, K.T. - GRAF, U.H. - MOSER, T. - HOLDEREGGER, R. - BERGAMINI, A. Observer-driven pseudoturnover in vegetation monitoring is context-dependent but does not affect ecological inference. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, 2022, vol. 25, no. 3. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12669. VERRALL, B. - GREEN, K. - PICKERING, C.M. Dynamics in plant diversity and composition on Australian alpine summits over time. In BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. ISSN 0960-3115, 2021, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 1 855-1 880. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10531-021-02171-1. MORRISON, L.W. Nonsampling error in vegetation surveys: understanding error types and recommendations for reducing their occurrence. In PLANT ECOLOGY. ISSN 1385-0237, 2021, vol. 222, no. 5, p. 577-586. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11258-021-01125-5. BAKKER, J.D. - PRICE, J.N. - HENNING, J.A. - BATZER, E.E. - OHLERT, T.J. - WAINWRIGHT, C.E. - ADLER, P.B. - ALBERTI, J. - ARNILLAS, C.A. - BIEDERMAN, L.A. - BORER, E.T. - BRUDVIG, L.A. - BUCKLEY, Y.M. - BUGALHO, M.N. - CADOTTE, M.W. - CALDEIRA, M.C. - CATFORD, J.A. - CHEN, Q.Q. - CRAWLEY, M.J. - DALEO, P. - DICKMAN, C.R. - DONOHUE, I. - DUPRE, M.E. - EBELING, A. - EISENHAUER, N. - FAY, P.A. - GRUNER, D.S. - HAIDER, S. - HAUTIER, Y. - JENTSCH, A. - KIRKMAN, K. - KNOPS, J.M.H. - LANNES, L.S. - MACDOUGALL, A.S. - MCCULLEY, R.L. - MITCHELL, R.M. - MOORE, J.L. - MORGAN, J.W. - MORTENSEN, B. - VENTERINK, H.O. - PERI, P.L. - POWER, S.A. - PROBER, S.M. - ROSCHER, C. - SANKARAN, M. - SEABLOOM, E.W. - SMITH, M.D. - STEVENS, C. - SULLIVAN, L.L. - TEDDER, M. - VEEN, G.F. - VIRTANEN, R. - WARDLE, G.M. Compositional variation in grassland plant communities. In ECOSPHERE. ISSN 2150-8925, JUN 2023, vol. 14, no. 6. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.4542. MORRISON, L.W. - LEIS, S.A. - DEBACKER, M.D. Observer error in grassland vegetation surveys: effects on species diversity metrics and species-abundance relationships. In JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY. ISSN 1752-9921, 2023, vol. 16, no. 4. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtad002. HARASEK, M. - KLINKOVSKA, K. - CHYTRY, M. Vegetation change in acidic dry grasslands in Moravia (Czech Republic) over three decades: Slow decrease in habitat quality after grazing cessation. In APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. ISSN 1402-2001, 2023, vol. 26, no. 2. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1111/avsc.12726. COE, N. - MULDER, O. - MULDER, K. Examining the Effect of Beech Bark Disease on Radial Growth in American Beech. In FORESTS, 2023, vol. 14, no. 2. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.3390/f14020312. WU, J.G. Uncertainty and risk of pruned distributional ranges induced by climate shifts for alpine species: a case study for 79 iKobresia/i species in China. In THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY. ISSN 0177-798X, 2023, vol. 151, no. 3-4, p. 1 651-1 672. Dostupné na: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00704-022-04343-7. Kategória ADCA - Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch impaktovaných Kategória (od 2022) V3 - Vedecký výstup publikačnej činnosti z časopisu Typ výstupu článok Rok vykazovania 2020 Registrované v WOS Registrované v SCOPUS Registrované v CCC DOI 10.1111/jvs.12822 článok
rok CC IF IF Q (best) JCR Av Jour IF Perc SJR SJR Q (best) CiteScore A rok vydania rok metriky IF IF Q (best) SJR SJR Q (best) 2020 2019 2.698 Q1 1.338 Q1
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