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Cloning and characterization of MN, a human tumor-associated protein with a domain homologous to carbonic anhydrase and a putative helix-loop-helix DNA binding segment

  1. NázovCloning and characterization of MN, a human tumor-associated protein with a domain homologous to carbonic anhydrase and a putative helix-loop-helix DNA binding segment
    Autor Pastorek Jaromír 1957- SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV
    Spoluautori Pastoreková Silvia 1961 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV    ORCID

    Callebaut I.

    Mornon J.P.

    Zelník Vladimír 1962 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Opavský René SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Zaťovičová Miriam 1958 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Liao S.

    Portetelle D.

    Stanbridge E.J.

    Závada Ján SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Burny A.

    Kettman R.

    Zdroj.dok. Oncogene. Vol. 9, no. 10 (1994), p. 2877 - 2888
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    KrajinaGB - Veľká Británia
    Druh dok.rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
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    Winum JY, Vullo D, Casini A, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY46 (11), pp. 2197-2204, 2003
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    Supuran, C.T., Vullo, D., Manole, G., Casini, A., Scozzafava, A. Designing of novel carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and activators Current Medicinal Chemistry: Cardiovascular and Hematological Agents 2 (1), pp. 49-68 , 2004
    Halmi, P., Lehtonen, J., Waheed, A., Sly, W.S., Parkkila, S. Expression of Hypoxia-Inducible, Membrane-Bound Carbonic Anhydrase Isozyme XII in Mouse Tissues Anatomical Record - Part A Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology 277 (1), pp. 171-177 , 2004
    Kim SJ, Rabbani ZN, Vollmer RT, Schreiber EG, Oosterwijk E, Dewhirst MW, Vujaskovic Z, Kelley MJ CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 10 (23): 7925-7933 DEC 1 2004
    Zimmerman S, Innocenti A, Casini A, Ferry JG, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 14 (24): 6001-6006 DEC 20 2004
    Cecchi A, Winum JY, Innocenti A, Vullo D, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 14 (23): 5775-5780 DEC 6 2004
    Garaj V, Puccetti L, Fasolis G, Winum JY, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Vullo D, Innocenti A, Supuran CT BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 14 (21): 5427-5433 NOV 1 2004
    Robertson N, Potter C, Harris AL CANCER RESEARCH 64 (17): 6160-6165 SEP 1 2004
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    Casey JR, Morgan PE, Vullo D, Scozzafava A, Mastrolorenzo A, Supuran CT JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 47 (9): 2337-2347 APR 22 2004
    Weber A, Casini A, Heine A, Kuhn D, Supuran CT, Scozzafava A, Klebe G JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 47 (3): 550-557 JAN 29 2004
    Abbate F, Winum JY, Potter BVL, Casini A, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 14 (1): 231-234 JAN 5 2004
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    Kivelä, A.J., Kivelä, J., Saarnio, J., Parkkila, S. Carbonic anhydrases in normal gastrointestinal tract and gastrointestinal tumours World Journal of Gastroenterology 11 (2), pp. 155-163 , 2005
    Cecchi A, Taylor SD, Liu Y, Hill B, Vullo D, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition of the human isozymes I, II, VA, and IX with a library of substituted difluoromethanesulfonamides BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (23): 5192-5196 DEC 1 2005
    Mayer A, Hockel M, Vaupel P Carbonic anhydrase IX expression and tumor oxygenation status do not correlate at the microregional level in locally-advanced cancers of the uterine cervix CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 11 (20): 7220-7225 OCT 15 2005
    Ozensoy O, Nishimori I, Vullo D, Puccetti L, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition of the human transmembrane isozyme XIV with a library of aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 13 (22): 6089-6093 NOV 15 2005
    Innocenti A, Villar R, Martinez-Merino V, Gll MJ, Scozzafava A, Vullo D, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition of cytosolic/tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, and IX with benzo[b]thiophene 1,1-dioxide sulfonamides BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (21): 4872-4876 NOV 1 2005
    Brouwers AH, Mulders PFA, de Mulder PHM, van den Broek WJM, Buijs WCAM, Mala C, Joosten FBM, Oosterwijk E, Boerman OC, Corstens FHM, Oyen WJG Lack of efficacy of two consecutive treatments of radioimmunotherapy with I-131-cG250 in patients with metastasized clear cell renal cell carcinoma JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY 23 (27): 6540-6548 SEP 20 2005
    Menchise V, De Simone G, Alterio V, Di Fiore A, Pedone C, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Stacking with Phe131 determines active site binding region of inhibitors as exemplified by the X-ray crystal structure of a membrane-impermeant antitumor sulfonamide complexed with isozyme II JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 48 (18): 5721-5727 SEP 8 2005
    Lam JS, Leppert JT, Belldegrun AS, Figlin RA Adjuvant therapy of renal cell carcinoma: patient selection and therapeutic options BJU INTERNATIONAL 96 (4): 483-488 SEP 2005
    Nishimori I, Vullo D, Innocenti A, Scozzafava A, Mastrolorenzo A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Inhibition of the transmembrane isozyme XIV with sulfonamides BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (17): 3828-3833 SEP 1 2005
    Puccetti L, Fasolis G, Vullo D, Chohan ZH, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition of cytosolic/tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, IX, and XII with Schiff's bases incorporating chromone and aromatic sulfonamide moieties, and their zinc complexes BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (12): 3096-3101 JUN 15 2005
    Garaj V, Puccetti L, Fasolis G, Winum JY, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Vullo D, Innocenti A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Novel sulfonamides incorporating 1,3,5-triazine moieties as inhibitors of the cytosolic and tumour-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II and IX BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (12): 3102-3108 JUN 15 2005
    Almajan GL, Innocenti A, Puccetti L, Manole G, Barbuceanu S, Saramet I, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Inhibition of the cytosolic and tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, and IX with a series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole- and 1,2,4-triazole-thiols BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (9): 2347-2352 MAY 2 2005
    Ou YC, Gardner TA, Kao C, Zhau HE, Chung LW A potential for tissue restrictive gene therapy in renal cell carcinoma using MN/CA IX promoter ANTICANCER RESEARCH 25 (2A): 881-886 MAR-APR 2005
    Purkerson JM, Schwartz GJ Expression of membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase isoforms IV, IX, XII, and XIV in the rabbit: induction of CA IV and IX during maturation AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY 288 (5): R1256-R1263 MAY 2005
    Winum JY, Dogne JM, Casini A, de Leval X, Montero JL, Scozzafava A, Vullo D, Innocenti A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Synthesis and inhibition of cytosolic membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase isozymes I, II, and IX with sulfonamides incorporating hydrazino moieties JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 48 (6): 2121-2125 MAR 24 2005
    Turkmen H, Durgun M, Yilmaztekin S, Emul M, Innocenti A, Vullo D, Scozzafava A, Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Novel sulfanilamide/acetazolamide derivatives obtained by the tail approach and their interaction with the cytosolic isozymes I and II, and the tumor-associated isozyme IX BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (2): 367-372 JAN 17 2005
    Hoogsteen IJ, Marres HAM, Wijffels KIEM, Rijken PFJW, Peters JPW, van den Hoogen FJA, Oosterwijk E, van der Kogel AJ, Kaanders JHAM Colocalization of carbonic anhydrase 9 expression and cell proliferation in human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH 11 (1): 97-106 JAN 1 2005
    Kuo WH, Yang SF, Hsieh YS, Tsai CS, Hwang WL, Chu SC Differential expression of carbonic anhydrase isoenzymes in various types of anemia CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA 351 (1-2): 79-86 JAN 2005
    Mukouyama, H. CA9 as a new trend in immunotherapy against metastatic renal cell carcinoma Nishinihon Journal of Urology 67 (7), pp. 423-428 , 2005
    Li, G., Cuilleron, M., Cottier, M., Gentil-Perret, A., Lambert, C., Genin, C., Tostain, J. The use of MN/CA9 gene expression in identifying malignant solid renal tumors European Urology 49 (2), pp. 401-405 , 2006
    Wang, Y.-P., Wang, G.-M., Xue, S.-Q., Zou, Y.-B. Detection of expression of mouse MN/CA9 gene with reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction Journal of Jilin University Medicine Edition 32 (5), pp. 777-780 , 2006
    De Simone, G., Vitale, R.M., Di Fiore, A., Pedone, C., Scozzafava, A., Montero, J.-L., Winum, J.-Y., Supuran, C.T. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Hypoxia-activatable sulfonamides incorporating disulfide bonds that target the tumor-associated isoform IX Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 49 (18), pp. 5544-5551 , 2006
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    Said, H.M., Staab, A., Hagemann, C., Vince, G.H., Katzer, A., Flentje, M., Vordermark, D. Distinct patterns of hypoxic expression of carbonic anhydrase IX (CA IX) in human malignant glioma cell lines Journal of Neuro-Oncology 81 (1), pp. 27-38 , 2007
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    Dai HY (Dai, Huei-Yue)1,2, Hong CC (Hong, Chih-Chen)1,2, Liang SC (Liang, San-Chi)3,4, Yan MD (Yan, Ming-De)1, Lai GM (Lai, Gi-Ming)1, Cheng AL (Cheng, Ann-Lii)1,5,6, Chuang SE (Chuang, Shuang-En)1 Carbonic Anhydrase III Promotes Transformation and Invasion Capability in Hepatoma Cells Through FAK Signaling Pathway : MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS Volume: 47 Issue: 12 Pages: 956-963 Published: DEC 2008
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    Choi SW (Choi, Sung-Weon)2, Kim JY (Kim, Joo-Young)2, Park JY (Park, Joo-Yong)2, Cha IH (Cha, In-Ho)3, Kim J (Kim, Jin)4, Lee S (Lee, Sun)1 Expression of carbonic anhydrase IX is associated with postoperative recurrence and poor prognosis in surgically treated oral squamous cell carcinomas HUMAN PATHOLOGY Volume: 39 Issue: 9 Pages: 1317-1322 Published: SEP 2008
    Salnikow K (Salnikow, Konstantin)1, Aprelikova O (Aprelikova, Olga)2, Ivanov S (Ivanov, Sergey)4, Tackett S (Tackett, Sean)2, Kaczmarek M (Kaczmarek, Monika)1, Karaczyn A (Karaczyn, Aldona)1, Yee H (Yee, Herman)3, Kasprzak KS (Kasprzak, Kazimierz S.)1, Niederhuber J (Niederhuber, John)2 Regulation of hypoxia-inducible genes by ETS1 transcription factor CARCINOGENESIS Volume: 29 Issue: 8 Pages: 1493-1499 Published: AUG 2008
    Li GR (Li, Guorong)1, Feng G (Feng, Gang)2, Gentil-Perret A (Gentil-Perret, Anne)3, Genin C (Genin, Christian)2, Tostain J (Tostain, Jacques)1 Serum carbonic anhydrase 9 level is associated with postoperative recurrence of conventional renal cell cancer JOURNAL OF UROLOGY Volume: 180 Issue: 2 Pages: 510-513 Published: AUG 2008
    Haviv YS, Curiel DT Gene therapy for renal cancer GENE THERAPY FOR RENAL DISEASES AND TRANSPLANTATION Book Series: CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEPHROLOGY Volume: 159 Pages: 135-150
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    Oosterwijk E Carbonic anhydrase IX: historical and future perspectives BJU INTERNATIONAL Volume: 101 Pages: 2-7 Supplement: Suppl. 4 Published: JUN 2008
    Shuch B, Li ZH, Belldegrun AS Carbonic anhydrase IX and renal cell carcinoma: prognosis, response to systemic therapy, and future vaccine strategies BJU INTERNATIONAL Volume: 101 Pages: 25-30 Supplement: Suppl. 4 Published: JUN 2008
    Innocenti A (Innocenti, Alessio)1, Hilvo M (Hilvo, Mika)2,3, Scozzafava A (Scozzafava, Andrea)1, Lindfors M (Lindfors, Mikaela)2,3, Nordlund HR (Nordlund, Henri R.)2,3, Kulomaa MS (Kulomaa, Markku S.)2,3, Parkkila S (Parkkila, Seppo)2,3,4, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)1 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: The very weak inhibitors dithiothreitol, beta-mercaptoethanol, tris(carboxyethyl) phosphine and threitol interfere with the binding of sulfonamides to isozymes II and IX BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS Volume: 18 Issue: 6 Pages: 1898-1903 Published: MAR 15 2008
    Supuran CT Carbonic anhydrases - An overview CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN Volume: 14 Issue: 7 Pages: 603-614 Published: MAR 2008
    Mayer A, Hockel M, Vaupel P Endogenous hypoxia markers: Case not proven! OXYGEN TRANSPORT TO TISSUE XXIX Book Series: ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY Volume: 614 Pages: 127-+ Published: 2008
    Oosterwijk E Carbonic anhydrase IX/G250/MN: A molecule too good to be true? BJU INTERNATIONAL Volume: 101 Issue: 5 Pages: 527-528 Published: MAR 2008
    Casey JR (Casey, Joseph R.)2,3, Sly WS (Sly, William S.)4, Shah GN (Shah, Gul N.)4, Alvarez BV (Alvarez, Bernardo V.)1 Bicarbonate homeostasis in excitable tissues: role of AE3 Cl-/HCO3- exchanger and carbonic anhydrase XIV interaction AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 297 Issue: 5 Pages: C1091-C1102 Published: NOV 2009
    Li Y (Li, Ying)1, Wang H (Wang, Hai)1, Oosterwijk E (Oosterwijk, Egbert)3, Selman Y (Selman, Yamil)2, Mira JC (Mira, Juan C.)2, Medrano T (Medrano, Theresa)2, Shiverick KT (Shiverick, Kathleen T.)2, Frost SC (Frost, Susan C.)1 Antibody-specific detection of CAIX in breast and prostate cancers BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 386 Issue: 3 Pages: 488-492 Published: AUG 28 2009
    Winum JY (Winum, Jean-Yves)1, Scozzafava A (Scozzafava, Andrea)2, Montero JL (Montero, Jean-Louis)1, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)2 Inhibition of Carbonic Anhydrase IX: A New Strategy Against Cancer ANTI-CANCER AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Pages: 693-702 Published: JUL 2009
    Swietach P (Swietach, Pawel)1, Patiar S (Patiar, Shalini)2, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)3, Harris AL (Harris, Adrian L.)2, Vaughan-Jones RD (Vaughan-Jones, Richard D.)1 The Role of Carbonic Anhydrase 9 in Regulating Extracellular and Intracellular pH in Three-dimensional Tumor Cell Growths JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 284 Issue: 30 Pages: 20299-20310 Published: JUL 24 2009
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    Eichelberg C (Eichelberg, Christian)1, Junker K (Junker, Kerstin)2, Ljungberg B (Ljungberg, Borje)3, Moch H (Moch, Holger)4 Diagnostic and Prognostic Molecular Markers for Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Critical Appraisal of the Current State of Research and Clinical Applicability EUROPEAN UROLOGY Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Pages: 851-863 Published: APR 2009
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    Rasheed S (Rasheed, S.)2, Harris AL (Harris, A. L.)3, Tekkis PP (Tekkis, P. P.)2,4, Turley H (Turley, H.)3, Silver A (Silver, A.)5, McDonald PJ (McDonald, P. J.)2, Talbot IC (Talbot, I. C.)1, Glynne-Jones R (Glynne-Jones, R.)6, Northover JMA (Northover, J. M. A.)2, Guenther T (Guenther, T.)1 Assessment of microvessel density and carbonic anhydrase-9 (CA-9) expression in rectal cancer PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE Volume: 205 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9 Published: 2009
    Hilvo M (Hilvo, Mika)2,3, Salzano AM (Salzano, Anna Maria)4, Innocenti A (Innocenti, Alessio)1, Kulomaa MS (Kulomaa, Markku S.)2,3, Scozzafava A (Scozzafava, Andrea)1,4, Scaloni A (Scaloni, Andrea), Parkkila S (Parkkila, Seppo)2,3,5, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)1 Cloning, Expression, Post-Translational Modifications and Inhibition Studies on the Latest Mammalian Carbonic Anhydrase Isoform, CA XV JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 52 Issue: 3 Pages: 646-654 Published: FEB 12 2009
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    Esbaugh AJ, Perry SF, Gilmour KM Hypoxia-inducible carbonic anhydrase IX expression is insufficient to alleviate intracellular metabolic acidosis in the muscle of zebrafish, Danio rerio AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 296 Issue: 1 Pages: R150-R160 Published: JAN 2009
    Rabbani, H., Ostadkarampour, M., Manesh, A.H.D., Basiri, A., Jeddi-Tehrani, M., Forouzesh, F. Expression of ROR1 in patients with renal cancer-A potential diagnostic marker Iranian Biomedical Journal 14 (3), pp. 77-82 , 2010
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    De Simone, G., Supuran, C.T. Carbonic anhydrase IX: Biochemical and crystallographic characterization of a novel antitumor target Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics 1804 (2), pp. 404-409 , 2010
    Tostain J (Tostain, Jacques)1, Li GR (Li, Guorong)1, Gentil-Perret A (Gentil-Perret, Anne)2, Gigante M (Gigante, Marc)1 Carbonic anhydrase 9 in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: A marker for diagnosis, prognosis and treatment EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER Volume: 46 Issue: 18 Pages: 3141-3148 Published: DEC 2010
    Swietach P (Swietach, P.)1, Hulikova A (Hulikova, A.)1, Vaughan-Jones RD (Vaughan-Jones, R. D.)1, Harris AL (Harris, A. L.)2 New insights into the physiological role of carbonic anhydrase IX in tumour pH regulation ONCOGENE Volume: 29 Issue: 50 Pages: 6509-6521 Published: DEC 2010
    Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)2, Di Fiore A (Di Fiore, Anna)1, Alterio V (Alterio, Vincenzo)1, Monti SM (Monti, Simona Maria)1, De Simone G (De Simone, Giuseppina)1 Recent Advances in Structural Studies of the Carbonic Anhydrase Family: The Crystal Structure of Human CA IX and CA XI CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN Volume: 16 Issue: 29 Pages: 3246-3254 Published: 2010
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    Marques SM (Marques, Sergio M.)1, Enyedy EA (Enyedy, Eva A.)1, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T.)2, Krupenko NI (Krupenko, Natalia I.)3, Krupenko SA (Krupenko, Sergey A.)3, Santos MA (Santos, M. Amelia)1 Pteridine-sulfonamide conjugates as dual inhibitors of carbonic anhydrases and dihydrofolate reductase with potential antitumor activity BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 18 Issue: 14 Pages: 5081-5089 Published: JUL 15 2010
    Santhanam AN (Santhanam, A. N.)1, Baker AR (Baker, A. R.)1, Hegamyer G (Hegamyer, G.)1, Kirschmann DA (Kirschmann, D. A.)2, Colburn NH (Colburn, N. H.)1 Pdcd4 repression of lysyl oxidase inhibits hypoxia-induced breast cancer cell invasion ONCOGENE Volume: 29 Issue: 27 Pages: 3921-3932 Published: JUL 8 2010
    Hsieh MJ (Hsieh, Ming-Ju)1, Chen KS (Chen, Kuo-Shuen)2, Chiou HL (Chiou, Hui-Ling)3,4, Hsieh YS (Hsieh, Yih-Shou) Carbonic anhydrase XII promotes invasion and migration ability of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells through the p38 MAPK signaling pathway EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY Volume: 89 Issue: 8 Pages: 598-606 Published: AUG 2010
    Kim HS (Kim, Hyo Song)1, Kim WS (Kim, Won Seog)1, Park SH (Park, Se Hoon)1, Jung CW (Jung, Chul Won)1, Choi HY (Choi, Han Yong)2, Lee HM (Lee, Hyun Moo)2, Jeon SS (Jeon, Seong Soo)2, Ha H (Ha, Hongil)3, Hwang IG (Hwang, In Gyu)4, Lee S (Lee, Seungkoo)5, Lim HY (Lim, Ho Yeong)1 Molecular biomarkers for advanced renal cell carcinoma: Implications for prognosis and therapy UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY-SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 157-163 Published: MAR-APR 2010
    Brzozowski Z (Brzozowski, Zdzislaw)2, Slawinski J (Slawinski, Jaroslaw)1, Saczewski F (Saczewski, Franciszek)2, Innocenti A (Innocenti, Alessio)3, Supuran CT (Supuran, Claudiu T Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Synthesis and inhibition of the human cytosolic isozymes I and II and transmembrane isozymes IX, XII (cancer-associated) and XIV with 4-substituted 3-pyridinesulfonamides EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 6 Pages: 2396-2404 Published: JUN 2010
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    Frost, Susan C. Physiological Functions of the Alpha Class of Carbonic Anhydrases Edited by: Frost, SC; McKenna, R CARBONIC ANHYDRASE: MECHANISM, REGULATION, LINKS TO DISEASE, AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Book Series: Subcellular Biochemistry Volume: 75 Pages: 9-30 Published: 2014
    Oosterwijk, Egbert Carbonic Anhydrase Expression in Kidney and Renal Cancer: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment Edited by: Frost, SC; McKenna, R CARBONIC ANHYDRASE: MECHANISM, REGULATION, LINKS TO DISEASE, AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Book Series: Subcellular Biochemistry Volume: 75 Pages: 181-198 Published: 2014
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