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Antibandwidth and cyclic antibandwidth of meshes and hypercubes
Názov Antibandwidth and cyclic antibandwidth of meshes and hypercubes Spoluautori Raspaud A. Török Ľubomír (Autor) SAVMATEM - Matematický ústav SAV Vrťo Imrich 1953 (Autor) SAVMATEM - Matematický ústav SAV Ďalší autori Schröder H. (Autor) Sýkora O. (Autor) Zdroj.dok. Discrete Mathematics. Vol. 309 (2009), p. 3541-3552 Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Krajina NL - Holandsko Druh dok. rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Ohlasy Miller, Z., Pritikin, D., Tao Jiang. Separation numbers of trees. In Theoretical Computer Science. ISSN 0304-3975, 2009, vol. 410, p. 3769-3781. WANG, Xiaohan - WU, Xiaolin - DUMITRESCU, Sorina. On explicit formulas for bandwidth and antibandwidth of hypercubes. In DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2009, vol.157, no.8, 1947-1952. WANG, X. - WU, X. Index assignment optimization for joint source-channel MAP decoding. In IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2010, vol.58, no.3, 901-910. 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