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Integrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations

  1. TitleIntegrating methods for ecosystem service assessment: Experiences from real world situations
    Author Dunford Rob
    Co-authors Harrison Paula

    Smith Alison

    Dick Jan

    Barton David N.

    Martin-Lopez Berta

    Kelemen Eszter

    Jacobs Sander

    Saarikoski Heli

    Turkelboom Francis

    Verheyden Wim

    Hauck Jennifer

    Antunes Paula

    Aszalós Réka

    Badea Ovidiu

    Baró Francesc

    Berry Pam

    Carvalho Laurence

    Conte Giulio

    Czúcz Bálint

    Blanco Gemma Garcia

    Howard Dave

    Giuca Relu

    Gómez-Baggethun Erik

    Grizzetti Bruna

    Izakovičová Zita 1959 SAVKREKO - Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV

    Kopperoinen Leena

    Langemeyer Johannes

    Luque Sandra

    Lapola David Montenegro

    Pastur Guillermo Martínez

    Mukhopadhyay Raktima

    Roy S. B.

    Niemelä Jari

    Norton Lisa

    Ochieng John

    Odee David

    Palomo Ignacio

    Pinho Patricia

    Priess Joerg A.

    Rusch Graciela M.

    Saarela Sanna-Riikka

    Santos Rui

    van der Wal Jan Tjalling

    Vadineanu Angheluta

    Vári Ágnes

    Woods Helen

    Yli-Pelkonen Vesa

    Source document Ecosystem Services. Vol. 29 (2018), p. 499-514
    Languageeng - English
    CountryNL - Netherlands
    Noteproject OpenNess
    URLURL link
    Document kindrozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
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