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Possible mechanisms of dose-dependent cough suppressive effect of Althaea officinalis rhamanogalacturonan in guinea pigs test system
Názov Possible mechanisms of dose-dependent cough suppressive effect of Althaea officinalis rhamanogalacturonan in guinea pigs test system Autor Šutovská Martina Spoluautori Nosálová Gabriela Fraňová Soňa Prísenžňáková Ľubica Capek Peter 1952- SAVCHEM - Chemický ústav SAV Spoluautori Šutovský J. Zdroj.dok. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. Vol.45, (2009), pp.27-32 Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Druh dok. rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx) Ohlasy Mousavy-Lordjani, M., Noureddini, M., Alani, B., & Zaringhalam, J. (2012). In: Journal of Medicinal Plants, 11(44), 93-99 Delfan, B., Bahmani, M., Eftekhari, Z., Jelodari, M., Saki, K., & Mohammadi, T., In: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 4(S2), S938-S942 Modaresi, M., & Rejali, A., In. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 13(10), 631-633 Noori Moogahi, S. M. H., Khanehzad, M., Sadr, M., Roholahi, S. H., & Kameli, S. M. , In. 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