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Carbonic anhydrases: Current state of the art, therapeutic applications and future prospects

  1. NázovCarbonic anhydrases: Current state of the art, therapeutic applications and future prospects
    Autor Pastoreková Silvia 1961 SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV    ORCID
    Spoluautori Parkkila S.

    Pastorek Jaromír 1957- SAVVIR - Virologický ústav SAV

    Supuran C.T.

    Zdroj.dok. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. Vol. 19, no. 3 (2004), p. 199 - 229
    Jazyk dok.eng - angličtina
    KrajinaSK - Slovenská republika
    Druh dok.rozpis článkov z periodík (rbx)
    OhlasyChegwidden WR Growth and invasion of human cancer cells: The roles of carbonic anhydrase isozymes Conference Information: 13th International Congress on Genes, Gene Families and Isozymes, SEP 17-21, 2005 Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA
    Poulsen SA, Bornaghi LF, Healy PC Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of novel benzene sulfonamides with potent binding affinity for bovine carbonic anhydrase II BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 15 (24): 5429-5433 DEC 15 2005
    Kashfi K, Rigas B Non-COX-2 targets and cancer: Expanding the molecular target repertoire of chemoprevention BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY 70 (7): 969-986 OCT 1 2005
    Lionetto MG, Caricato R, Erroi E, Giordano ME, Schettino T Carbonic anhydrase-based environmental bioassay INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 85 (12-13): 895-903 OCT-NOV 2005
    Leggat W, Dixon R, Saleh S, Yellowlees D A novel carbonic anhydrase from the giant clam Tridacna gigas contains two carbonic anhydrase domains FEBS JOURNAL 272 (13): 3297-3305 JUL 2005
    Nagelhus EA, Mathiisen TM, Bateman AC, Haug FM, Ottersen OP, Grubb JH, Waheed A, Sly WS Carbonic anhydrase XIV is enriched in specific membrane domains of retinal pigment epithelium, Muller cells, and astrocytes PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 102 (22): 8030-8035 MAY 31 2005
    Banerjee AL, Tobwala S, Ganguly B, Mallik S, Srivastava DK Molecular basis for the origin of differential spectral and binding profiles of dansylamide with human carbonic anhydrase I and II BIOCHEMISTRY 44 (10): 3673-3682 MAR 15 2005
    Banerjee AL, Eiler D, Roy BC, Jia X, Haldar MK, Mallik S, Srivastava DK Spacer-based selectivity in the binding of "two-prong" ligands to recombinant human carbonic anhydrase I BIOCHEMISTRY 44 (9): 3211-3224 MAR 8 2005
    [Anon] Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: CA IX selective inhibitors incorporating aromatic or heterocyclic sulfonamide EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS 15 (2): 233-236 FEB 2005
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    Kida E (Kida, Elizabeth), Palminiello S (Palminiello, Sonia), Golabek AA (Golabek, Adam A.), Walus M (Walus, Mariusz), Wierzba-Bobrowicz T (Wierzba-Bobrowicz, Teresa), Rabe A (Rabe, Ausma), Albertini G (Albertini, Giorgio), Wisniewski KE (Wisniewski, Krystyna E.) Carbonic anhydrase II in the developing and adult human brain JOURNAL OF NEUROPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY 65 (7): 664-674 JUL 2006
    Tanaka M (Tanaka, Mariko), Fujisaki Y (Fujisaki, Yoshihiko), Kawamura K (Kawamura, Kazunori), Ishiwata K (Ishiwata, Kiichi), Qinggeletu (Qinggeletu), Yamamoto F (Yamamoto, Fumihiko), Mukai T (Mukai, Takahiro), Maeda M (Maeda, Minoru) Radiosynthesis and evaluation of C-11-labeled diaryl-substituted imidazole and indole derivatives for mapping cyclooxygenase-2 BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN 29 (10): 2087-2094 OCT 2006
    Iyer R (Iyer, Rema), Barrese AA (Barrese, Albert A., III), Parakh S (Parakh, Shilpa), Parker CN (Parker, Christian N.), Tripp BC (Tripp, Brian C.) Inhibition profiling of human carbonic anhydrase II by high-throughput screening of structurally diverse, biologically active compounds JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING 11 (7): 782-791 OCT 2006
    Shank RP (Shank, Richard P.), McComsey DF (McComsey, David F.), Smith-Swintosky VL (Smith-Swintosky, Virginia L.), Maryanoff BE (Maryanoff, Bruce E.) Examination of two independent kinetic assays for determining the inhibition of carbonic anhydrases I and II: Structure-activity comparison of sulfamates and sulfamides CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN 68 (2): 113-119 AUG 2006
    Poulsen SA Direct screening of a dynamic combinatorial library using mass spectrometry JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY 17 (8): 1074-1080 AUG 2006
    Saczewski J (Saczewski, Jaroslaw), Brzozowski Z (Brzozowski, Zdzialaw), Saczewski F (Saczewski, Franciszek), Bednarski PJ (Bednarski, Patrick J.), Liebeke M (Liebeke, Manuel), Gdaniec M (Gdaniec, Maria) Synthesis and in vitro anti-tumor activity of N-{1-[(3-thioxo-5,6-dihydroimidazo[2,1-c][1,2,4]thiadiazol-7-ylthio)thiocarbonyl]-2-imidazolidene}arylsulfonamides BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS 16 (14): 3663-3667 JUL 15 2006
    Ivanov VT, Yatskin ON, Sazonova OV, Tolmazova AG, Leontiev KV, Philippova MM, Karelin AA, Blishchenko EY Peptidomics: A modern approach to biodiversity of peptides PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY 78 (5): 963-975 MAY 2006
    Klinger AL (Klinger, Alexandra L.), McComsey DF (McComsey, David F.), Smith-Swintosky V (Smith-Swintosky, Virginia), Shank RP (Shank, Richard P.), Maryanoff BE (Maryanoff, Bruce E.) Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase-II by sulfamate and sulfamide groups: An investigation involving direct thermodynamic binding measurements JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 49 (12): 3496-3500 JUN 15 2006
    Chen J, Kremer CS, Bender TP The carbonic anhydrase I locus contains a c-Myb target promoter and modulates differentiation of murine erythroleukemia cells ONCOGENE 25 (19): 2758-2772 MAY 4 2006
    Poulsen SA, Bornaghi LF Fragment-based drug discovery of carbonic anhydrase II inhibitors by dynamic combinatorial chemistry utilizing alkene cross metathesis BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 14 (10): 3275-3284 MAY 15 2006
    Poulsen SA, Davis RA, Keys TG Screening a natural product-based combinatorial library using FTICR mass spectrometry BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 14 (2): 510-515 JAN 15 2006
    Ciobanu, L.C., Poirier, D Synthesis of libraries of 16ß-aminopropyl estradiol derivatives for targeting two key steroidogenic enzymes ChemMedChem 1 (11), pp. 1249-1259 , 2006
    Anai S; Shiverick K; Medrano T; Nakamura K; Goodison S; Brown BD; Rosser CJ UROLOGY, 70 (4): 832-837 , 2007
    Farrant M, Kaila K GABA AND THE BASAL GANGLIA: FROM MOLECULES TO SYSTEMS Volume: 160 59-87, 2007
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    Dudutiene V; Baranauskiene L; Matulis D BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 17 (12): 3335-3338 JUN 15 2007
    Edwards P DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY Volume: 12 Issue: 11-12 Pages: 497-498, 2007
    Banerjee J; Haldar MK; Manokaran S; Mallik S; Srivastava DK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (26): 2723-2725 2007
    Wilson GD FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE Volume: 12 Pages: 3502-3518 , 2007
    Srivastava DK; Jude KM; Banerjee AL; Haldar M; Manokaran S; Kooren J; Mallik, S; Christianson, DW JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 129 (17): 5528-5537 MAY 2 2007
    Huber VJ; Tsujita M; Yamazaki M; Sakimura K; Nakada T BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 17 (5): 1270-1273 MAR 1 2007
    Wilkinson BL; Bornaghi LF; Wright AD; Houston TA; Poulsen SA BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 17 (5): 1355-1357 MAR 1 2007
    Alvarez BV; Johnson DE; Sowah D; Soliman D; Light PE; Xia Y; Karmazyn M; Casey, JR JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, 579 (1): 127-145 FEB 15 2007
    Lansky EP; Newman RA JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY, 109 (2): 177-206 JAN 19 2007
    Song, B.-H., Tran, H.N.A., Bae, S.-Y. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) as resources of phytoestrogen and anticancer substances Korean Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 35 (2), pp. 81-87 , 2007
    Huber VJ, Nakada T Aquaporin-4 as a therapeutic target: a first look DRUGS OF THE FUTURE Volume: 33 Issue: 10 Pages: 897-909 Published: OCT 2008
    Lakota J (Lakota, J.)1, Skultety L (Skultety, L.)2, Dubrovcakova M (Dubrovcakova, M.)3, Altaner C (Altaner, C.) Presence of serum carbonic anhydrase autoantibodies in patients relapsed after autologous stem cell transplantation indicates an improved prognosis : NEOPLASMA Volume: 55 Issue: 6 Pages: 488-492 Published: 2008
    Tanaka N (Tanaka, N.)1, Kato H (Kato, H.)1, Inose T (Inose, T.)1, Kimura H (Kimura, H.)1, Faried A (Faried, A.)1, Sohda M (Sohda, M.)1, Nakajima M (Nakajima, M.)1, Fukai Y (Fukai, Y.)1, Miyazaki T (Miyazaki, T.)1, Masuda N (Masuda, N.)1, Fukuchi M (Fukuchi, M.)1, Kuwano H (Kuwano, H.)1 Expression of carbonic anhydrase 9, a potential intrinsic marker of hypoxia, is associated with poor prognosis in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER Volume: 99 Issue: 9 Pages: 1468-1475 Published: OCT 28 2008
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    Obara M (Obara, Marta)1, Szeliga M (Szeliga, Monika)1, Albrecht J (Albrecht, Jan)1Regulation of pH in the mammalian central nervous system under normal and pathological conditions: Facts and hypotheses NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL Volume: 52 Issue: 6 Pages: 905-919 Published: MAY 2008
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    Mazumdar PA (Mazumdar, Pooja Anjali)1, Kumaran D (Kumaran, Desigan)2, Swaminathan S (Swaminathan, Subramanyam)2, Das AK (Das, Amit Kumar)1 A novel acetate-bound complex of human carbonic anhydras ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 64 Pages: 163-166 Part: Part 3 Published: MAR 2008
    Barrese AA (Barrese, Albert A.)2, Genis C (Genis, Caroli)1, Fisher SZ (Fisher, S. Zoe)1, Orwenyo JN (Orwenyo, Jared N.)3, Kumara MT (Kumara, Mudalige Thilak)3, Dutta SK (Dutta, Subodh K.)3, Phillips E (Phillips, Eric)3, Kiddle JJ (Kiddle, James J.)3, Tu C (Tu, Chingkuang)4, Silverman DN (Silverman, David N.)1,4, Govindasamy L (Govindasamy, Lakshmanan)1, Agbandje-McKenna M (Agbandje-McKenna, Mavis)1, McKenna R (McKenna, Robert)1, Tripp BC (Tripp, Brian C.)2,3 Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase II by thioxolone: A mechanistic and structural study BIOCHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 10 Pages: 3174-3184 Published: MAR 11 2008
    Palminiello S (Palminiello, Sonia)2, Kida E (Kida, Elizabeth)1, Kaur K (Kaur, Kulbir)1, Walus M (Walus, Marius)1, Wisniewski KE (Wisniewski, Krystyna E.)1,3, Wierzba-Bobrowicz T (Wierzba-Bobrowicz, Teresa)4, Rabe A (Rabe, Ausma)1, Albertini G (Albertini, Giorgio)2, Golabek AA (Golabek, Adam A.)1 Increased levels of carbonic anhydrase II in the developing Down syndrome brain BRAIN RESEARCH Volume: 1190 Pages: 193-205 Published: JAN 23 2008
    Shin HJ (Shin, Hye-Jin)1, Kim JY (Kim, Joo-Young)1, Yoo CW (Yoo, Chong-Woo)1, Roberts SA (Roberts, Stephen A.)2, Lee S (Lee, Sun)1, Choi SJ (Choi, Soo-Jin)1, Lee HY (Lee, Hee-Young)1, Lee DH (Lee, Doo-Hyun)1, Kim TH (Kim, Tae Hyun)1, Cho KH (Cho, Kwan Ho)1 Carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) expression in tumor cells enhances sensitivity to tirapazamine JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY Volume: 134 Issue: 3 Pages: 397-404 Published: MAR 2008
    Zhang WW, Renming HM Targeting carbonic anhydrase to treat diabetic retinopathy: Emerging evidences and encouraging results BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 390 Issue: 3 Pages: 368-371 Published: DEC 18 2009
    Weiwei, Z., Hu, R Targeting carbonic anhydrase to treat diabetic retinopathy: Emerging evidences and encouraging results Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 390 (3), pp. 368-371 , 2009
    Casey JR (Casey, Joseph R.)2,3, Sly WS (Sly, William S.)4, Shah GN (Shah, Gul N.)4, Alvarez BV (Alvarez, Bernardo V.)1 Bicarbonate homeostasis in excitable tissues: role of AE3 Cl-/HCO3- exchanger and carbonic anhydrase XIV interaction AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-CELL PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 297 Issue: 5 Pages: C1091-C1102 Published: NOV 2009
    Giacomotto J (Giacomotto, Jean), Pertl C (Pertl, Cordula)2, Borrel C (Borrel, Caroline), Walter MC (Walter, Maggie C.)2, Bulst S (Bulst, Stefanie)2, Johnsen B (Johnsen, Bob)3, Baillie DL (Baillie, David L.)3, Lochmuller H (Lochmueller, Hanns)4, Thirion C (Thirion, Christian)2, Segalat L (Segalat, Laurent)1 Evaluation of the therapeutic potential of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in two animal models of dystrophin deficient muscular dystrophy HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS Volume: 18 Issue: 21 Pages: 4089-4101 Published: NOV 1 2009
    Sharma BK (Sharma, Brij Kishore)1, Pilania P (Pilania, Pradeep)1, Singh P (Singh, Prithvi)1, Sharma S (Sharma, Susheela)2, Prabhakar YS (Prabhakar, Yenamandra S.)3 CP-MLR directed QSAR study of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: sulfonamide and sulfamate inhibitors CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Pages: 909-922 Published: DEC 2009
    Hunakova L (Hunakova, L.)1, Sedlakova O (Sedlakova, O.)2, Cholujova D (Cholujova, D.)1, Gronesova P (Gronesova, P.)1, Duraj J (Duraj, J.)1, Sedlak J (Sedlak, J.)1 Modulation of markers associated with aggressive phenotype in MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cells by sulforaphane. NEOPLASMA Volume: 56 Issue: 6 Pages: 548-556 Published: 2009
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    Ghorab MM, Ragab FA, Hamed MM Design, synthesis and anticancer evaluation of novel tetrahydroquinoline derivatives containing sulfonamide moiety EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 10 Pages: 4211-4217 Published: OCT 2009
    Oltulu O, Yasar MM, Eroglu E A QSAR study on relationship between structure of sulfonamides and their carbonic anhydrase inhibitory activity using the eigenvalue (EVA) method EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 44 Issue: 9 Pages: 3439-3444 Published: SEP 2009
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    Abdel-Hamid MK (Abdel-Hamid, Mohammed K.)1, Abdel-Hafez AA (Abdel-Hafez, Atef A.)1, El-Koussi NA (El-Koussi, Nawal A.)1, Mahfouz NM (Mahfouz, Nadia M.)1 Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies on a series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-thione derivatives as tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase IX inhibitors JOURNAL OF ENZYME INHIBITION AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 722-729 Published: 2009
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    Liao SY (Liao, Shu-Yuan)1,2, Lerman MI (Lerman, Michael I.)3, Stanbridge EJ (Stanbridge, Eric J.)4 Expression of transmembrane carbonic anhydrases, CAIX and CAXII, in human development : BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY Volume: 9 Article Number: 22 Published: MAR 16 2009
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    Akula NVMK (Akula, N. V. Murali Krishna)1, Kumar S (Kumar, Surendra)1, Singh V (Singh, Vineet)1, Tiwari M (Tiwari, Meena)1 Homology modeling and QSAR analysis of 1,3,4-thiadiazole and 1,3,4-triazole derivatives as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOPHYSICS Volume: 47 Issue: 4 Pages: 234-242 Published: AUG 2010
    Skultety, L., Jankovicova, B., Svobodova, Z., Mader, P., Rezacova, P., Dubrovcakova, M., Lakota, J., Bilkova, Z. Identification of carbonic anhydrase i immunodominant epitopes recognized by specific autoantibodies which indicate an improved prognosis in patients with malignancy after autologous stem cell transplantation Journal of Proteome Research 9 (10), pp. 5171-5179 , 2010
    Ghorab MM (Ghorab, Mostafa M.)1, Ragab FA (Ragab, Fatma A.)2, Heiba HI (Heiba, Helmy I.)3, Arafa RK (Arafa, Reem K.)2, El-Hossary EM (El-Hossary, Ebaa M.)3 In vitro anticancer screening and radiosensitizing evaluation of some new quinolines and pyrimido[4,5-b]quinolines bearing a sulfonamide moiety EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 9 Pages: 3677-3684 Published: SEP 2010
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    Akula, N.V.M.K., Kumar, S., Singh, V., Tiwari, M. Homology modeling and QSAR analysis of 1,3,4-thiadiazole and 1,3,4-triazole derivatives as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 47 (4), pp. 234-242 , 2010
    Al-Said MS (Al-Said, Mansour S.)1, Ghorab MM (Ghorab, Mostafa M.)1, Al-qasoumi SI (Al-qasoumi, Saleh I.)2, El-Hossary EM (El-Hossary, Ebaa M.)3, Noaman E (Noaman, Eman)4 Synthesis and in vitro anticancer screening of some novel 4-[2-amino-3-cyano-4-substituted-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-1-(4H)-yl]benzenesulfonamides EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 45 Issue: 7 Pages: 3011-3018 Published: JUL 2010
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    Sharma BK (Sharma, Brij Kishore)1, Pilania P (Pilania, Pradeep)1, Sarbhai K (Sarbhai, Kirti)1, Singh P (Singh, Prithvi)1, Prabhakar YS (Prabhakar, Yenamandra S.)2 Chemometric descriptors in modeling the carbonic anhydrase inhibition activity of sulfonamide and sulfamate derivatives MOLECULAR DIVERSITY Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Pages: 371-384 Published: MAY 2010
    Gilmour KM, Perry SF Gas transfer in dogfish: A unique model of CO2 excretion Conference Information: Session on Biology of Elasmobranchs - From Genes to Ecophysiology and Behaviour held at the Annual Meeting of the SEB, JUN 28-JUL 01, 2009 Glasgow, SCOTLAND COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY Volume: 155 Issue: 4 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 476-485 Published: APR 2010
    Ghorab MM (Ghorab, Mostafa M.)1, Ragab FA (Ragab, Fatma A.)2, Hamed MM (Hamed, Mostafa M.)3 Synthesis and docking studies of some novel quinoline derivatives bearing a sulfonamide moiety as possible anticancer agents ARZNEIMITTEL-FORSCHUNG-DRUG RESEARCH Volume: 60 Issue: 3 Pages: 141-148 Published: 2010
    Lacruz RS (Lacruz, Rodrigo S.)1, Nanci A (Nanci, Antonio)2, Kurtz I (Kurtz, Ira)3, Wright JT (Wright, J. Timothy)4, Paine ML (Paine, Michael L.)1 Regulation of pH During Amelogenesis CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL Volume: 86 Issue: 2 Pages: 91-103 Published: FEB 2010
    Casey, J.R., Grinstein, S., Orlowski, J. Sensors and regulators of intracellular pH Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 11 (1), pp. 50-61 , 2010
    Singh Shalini A Comparative Molecular Field (CoMFA) Studies on Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor hCA IX-Tumor-Associated (Hypoxia) LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN & DISCOVERY Volume: 8 Issue: 10 Pages: 877-883 Published: DEC 2011
    Kawk, D.J., Choi, K.S., Han, K.H., Kho, K.H. Discovery of carbonic anhydrase isozyme in sea bass, Lateolabrax japonicas and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry 54 (4) , pp. 649-652 , 2011
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