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The effect of iconicity of visual displays on statistical reasoning: evidence in favor of the null hypothesis
Názov The effect of iconicity of visual displays on statistical reasoning: evidence in favor of the null hypothesis. [elektronický zdroj] Autor Sirota Miroslav Spoluautori Valuš Lenka 1986- SAVEXPSY - Ústav experimentálnej psychológie SAV ORCID Juanchich Marie Zdroj.dok. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Vol. 21 , no. 4 (2014), p. 961-968 Jazyk dok. eng - angličtina Krajina US - Spojené štáty Druh dok. rozpis článkov z elektronických zdrojov Ohlasy NAVARRETE, Gorka - CORREIA, Rut - FROIMOVITCH, Dan. Communicating risk in prenatal screening: the consequences of Bayesian misapprehension. In FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. ISSN 1664-1078, 2014, vol. 5, no., pp. JOHNSON, Eric D. - TUBAU, Elisabet. Comprhension and computation in Bayesian problem solving. In FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. ISSN 1664-1078, 2015, vol. 6, no., pp. BINDER, Karin - KRAUSS, Stefan - BRUCKMAIER, Georg. Effects of visualizing statistical information an empirical study on tree diagrams and 2 x 2 tables. In FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 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