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Všetky polia = "14th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and International Society of Mycotoxicology"
Názov 14th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union 2014 (Istanbul, Turkey) : Abstract Book Ďalší autori Heperkan Dilek Daskaya-Dikmen Ceren Ertugrul-Cengiz Sibel Akcia 14th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and International Society of Mycotoxicology. Plant health management for ensuring food security, safety and qulaity in the Mediterranean area: Challenges and prospects : 25 - 29 August 2014 : Istanbul Vyd.údaje Istanbul : I.T.U. Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Department of Food Engineering , 2014. - 189 p. Kategória FAI - Zostavovateľské práce knižného charakteru (bibliografie, encyklopédie, katalógy, slovníky, zborníky...) Rok vykazovania 2014 Odkazy (1) Publikačná činnosť SAV - články Názov Powdery mildew of plane trees in Algeria: First record of the teleomorph Erysiphe platani. P-016 Časť.dok. P-016 Spoluautori Bouznad Zouaoui Kedad Abdelaziz Ayad Djida Pastirčáková Katarína 1976- SAVEKLES - Ústav ekológie lesa SAV Zdroj.dok. 14th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union 2014 (Istanbul, Turkey) : Abstract Book. P. 115. - Istanbul : I.T.U. Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering Faculty, Department of Food Engineering, 2014 / Heperkan Dilek ; Daskaya-Dikmen Ceren ; Ertugrul-Cengiz Sibel ; 14th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and International Society of Mycotoxicology Plant health management for ensuring food security, safety and qulaity in the Mediterranean area: Challenges and prospects Kategória AFG - Abstrakty príspevkov zo zahraničných konferencií Rok vykazovania 2014