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Tvorba bariérových zón buka (Fagus sylvatica L.) indukovaných poranením

  1. NázovTvorba bariérových zón buka (Fagus sylvatica L.) indukovaných poranením
    Súbež.n.Formation of barrier zones of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) inducted by injury
    Aut.údajeVladimír Račko, Oľga Mišíková
    Autor Račko Vladimír TUZDFNOD - Katedra náuky o dreve
    Spoluautori Mišíková Oľga TUZDFNOD - Katedra náuky o dreve
    Zdroj.dok. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen : vedecký časopis Drevárskej fakulty. Roč. 57, č. 2 (2015), s. 5-14. - Zvolen : Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2015
    Jazyk dok.slovenčina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Heslá buk - beech - Fagus L. * vegetačné obdobie - vegetation period * vegetačný kľud - dormancy * teplota vzduchu - air temperature * poranenie kmeňov - stems lesion
    AnotáciaThe effect of different injury periods and tree species composition of beech stands on change the structure of the barrier zone of xylem formed after injury was studied in this work. Findings at microstructure level confirmed significant differences in the structure of barrier zones and new xylem formed after injury. A strong barrier zones are formed in wounds originated in the middle growing season. However, barrier zones formed in wounds originated in the beginning and end of the growing season were narrower or interrupted, or not originated at all. In the wounds originated at the middle of dormant period were formed quite wide however short barrier zones. Also, microstructure of xylem formed after injury was different than microstructure formed before the injury. It was characterized by reducing the vessel diameters and increasing the proportion of fibers and simultaneous increase of the thickness the parenchyma rays. The results confirmed the significant impact of both observed factors on the differences in the ability to protect the cambium against infection and damage by pathogens. Cieľom článku bolo vo väzbe na obdobie vzniku poranenia počas roka (začiatok, stred, koniec vegetačného obdobia a obdobia vegetačného kľudu) popísať zmeny v tvorbe a štruktúre novotvoriaceho sa xylému a obranných bariérových zón.
    Báza dátxcla - ČLÁNKY
    Druh dok.RBX - rozpis článkov z periodík
    OdkazyPERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika
    Zväzky2015: 1-2


Počet záznamov: 1  

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