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Optimalizácia kalového hospodárstva priemyselnej čistiarne odpadových vôd závodu de Miclén, a.s.

  1. NázovEffect of the thermal ageing of selected characteristics of recycled office paper
    Aut.údajeJarmila Geffertová, Anton Geffert, Eva Výbohová
    Autor Geffertová Jarmila TUZDFCHTD - Katedra chémie a chemických technológií
    Spoluautori Geffert Anton TUZDFCHTD - Katedra chémie a chemických technológií
    Výbohová Eva TUZDFCHTD - Katedra chémie a chemických technológií
    Zdroj.dok. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen : vedecký časopis Drevárskej fakulty. Roč. 59, č. 1 (2017), s. 59-73. - Zvolen : Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2017
    Jazyk dok.angličtina
    KrajinaSlovenská republika
    Heslá recyklovaný papier - recycled paper * modelovanie tepelného starnutia - modelled thermal ageing * jasová reverzibilita - brightness reversion * tržná dĺžka - breaking length * index dotrhávania - tear index * vzduchová priepustnosť - air permeability * napúčanie - swelling * kryštalinita celulózy - crystallinity of cellulose
    AnotáciaThe work was focused on monitoring of changes of selected characteristics of recycled office paper occurring during the modelled thermal ageing. The effect of modelled thermal ageing was manifested mainly by the change of optical characteristics when brightness of recycled paper surface decreased by 40%. The coordinate values L*, a* and b* of the color space moved into the black, red and yellow region of the spectrum in achieving of total color differences E* 14.0 during modelled ageing. Thermal ageing due to hornification and shrinkage of fibers significantly affected the value of air permeability (increasing by 31.5%), the value of swelling of paper (decreasing by 37%), the value of tear index (decreasing by 26%), the value of total crystallinity index (decreasing by 26%) and the value of oxidation index (increasing by 24% ). Modelled thermal ageing slightly reduce the pH values of the surface of the paper (by 5.2%), the values of breaking length (by 5.3%) and the values of intensity of the hydrogen bonds (by 2.6%). The biggest changes of monitored characteristics were observed after the first 6-hour interval of modelled thermal ageing.
    Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADN
    Báza dátxcla - ČLÁNKY
    Báza dátxkni - KNIHY
    Druh dok.DDP - práce diplomové (Mgr.,Ing.)
    Počet ex.1, z toho voľných 0
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