Počet záznamov: 1
Attitudes of active and upcoming architects towards wood: the case study in Slovakia
Názov Attitudes of active and upcoming architects towards wood: the case study in Slovakia Aut.údaje Hana Maťová, Vladislav Kaputa Preklad názvu podnázvu : Postoje aktívnych a budúcich architektov k drevu: prípadová štúdia zo Slovenska Autor Maťová Hana TUZDFMOS - Katedra marketingu, obchodu a svetového lesníctva Spoluautori Kaputa Vladislav TUZDFMOS - Katedra marketingu, obchodu a svetového lesníctva Zdroj.dok. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen : vedecký časopis Drevárskej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene : scientific journal of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen. Vol. 60, no. 2 (2018), p. 199-209 Poznámky Lit. Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Slovenská republika Systematika 72-051 630*81 674 624.01 Heslá architekti - architects * drevo - wood * substitučné materiály - substitute materials * stavebné konštrukcie - engineering structures * postoje - attitudes Anotácia The attitudes of architects to wards wood as a construction material are presented in the paper . Attitudes were surveyed, analysed and compared between two groups of architects: the sample of university students of architecture (upcoming architects) and the sample of active architects. A questionnaire survey was used to gather data. Based on the results, the fact that the upcoming architects perceive properties of wood more positive ly could be stated . The most of t he active architects do not propose wood as a construction material and prefer substitute materials on a silicate base especially in cases of civil and industrial buildings . In Slovakia, mistrust continues to be found towards wood en construction s where fire resistance remains the most negatively perceived property of wood . It is followed by properties as durability of woo d, and resistance to weather conditions. URL https://df.tuzvo.sk/sites/default/files/19-02-18_4.pdf Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADN Báza dát xcla - ČLÁNKY Druh dok. RBX - rozpis článkov z periodík Odkazy PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika Zväzky 2018: 1-2 článok
Počet záznamov: 1