Počet záznamov: 1
The analysis of mass loss and activation energy of selected fast-growing tree species and energy crops using the Arrhenius equation
Názov The analysis of mass loss and activation energy of selected fast-growing tree species and energy crops using the Arrhenius equation Aut.údaje Andrea Majlingová ... [et al.] Preklad názvu podnázvu : Analýza úbytku na hmotnosti a aktivačnej energie vybraných rýchlorastúcich drevín a energetických plodín s využitím Arrheniovej rovnice Spoluautori Majlingová Andrea TUZDFPO - Katedra protipožiarnej ochrany Zachar Martin TUZDFPO - Katedra protipožiarnej ochrany Lieskovský Martin TUZLFLTLM - Katedra lesnej ťažby, logistiky a meliorácií Mitterová Iveta TUZDFPO - Katedra protipožiarnej ochrany Zdroj.dok. Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen : vedecký časopis Drevárskej fakulty Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene : scientific journal of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen. Vol. 60, no. 2 (2018), p. 177-188 Poznámky Lit. Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Slovenská republika Systematika 544.452.14 614.84 633 630*174.7+630*176.1 Heslá aktivačná energia - activation energy * vznietenie - ignition inflammation * úbytok hmotnosti - weight loss * energetické plodiny - energy crops * rýchlorastúce dreviny - fast-growing species Anotácia Biomass as a renewable energy source covers the energy needs of the state to a great extent . In addition to the knowledge of the available sources of biomass for the energy use, the key information on thermal properties and fire performance would contribute to further understanding of their energy properties as well as the combustion process. The aim of this analysis was to calculate the activation energies of selected fast - growing tree species ( Paulownia tomentosa , Salix viminalis variety Tora, Populus x euroamericana variety MAX 4 ) and energy crops ( Sida hermaphrodita , Arundo donax , Miscanthus x giganthus )., Spontaneous ignition temperature and induction time must be estimated to calculate the activation energy . Spontaneous ignition temperatures and induction time were determined by the Setchkin Furnace test in accordance with the standard STN ISO 871 . The analyses were completed with the mass loss analysis. The mass loss of individual samples was determined by using a non - standard testing method . The values of the activation energy gathered in the analysis showed that activation energy values in all tested samples were similar , in the interval of 136.72 ± 7.28 kJ · mol - 1 . The differences in the development of mass loss of fast - growing tree species and energy crop samples were found. The mass loss course of the fast - growing tree species was more linear , while the mass loss development of energy crops could be divided in to two stages. URL https://df.tuzvo.sk/sites/default/files/17-02-18_1.pdf Kategória publikačnej činnosti ADN Báza dát xcla - ČLÁNKY Druh dok. RBX - rozpis článkov z periodík Odkazy PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika Zväzky 2018: 1-2 článok
Počet záznamov: 1