Počet záznamov: 1
Analysis of canopy transpiration based on the sap flow measurement
Názov Analysis of canopy transpiration based on the sap flow measurement Aut.údaje Jiří Kučera; školiteľ Jaroslav Vido Autor Kučera Jiří Ďalší autori Vido Jaroslav (Školiteľ (konzultant)) TUZLFPP - Katedra prírodného prostredia Vyd.údaje Zvolen, 2023 Poznámky LF-183143-19482. - Doktorandská dizertačná práca, LF KPP TU Zvolen. - Elektronický zdroj. Jazyk dok. angličtina Krajina Slovenská republika Systematika (043.3) 581.116 Heslá transpirácia - transpiration * meranie - measurement * miazga - sap * miazgotok - sapflow * ekofyziologické výskumy - ecofyziological research Anotácia The presented doctoral thesis aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recommendations and proven procedures for working with sap flow measurements and their efficient use in the estimation of canopy transpiration and stomatal conductance as a function of environmental factors. The work is based on the author's long-term involvement in ecophysiological research, the innovation of measuring methods, and the development of measuring equipment. The main objective of the thesis is to describe the whole methodological, theoretical, and fundamental evolution of ecophysiological instrumentation, followed by applied research that helps scientists to describe and understand plant-environment interactions. The doctoral thesis includes significant technical-methodological notes on the instrumentation of ecophysiological research and specific research results published as scientific articles. These works, among other things, describe various applications of theoretical and methodological approaches and procedures in ecological and forestry research. In conclusion, the author also devotes himself to the education and popularization of his scientific work, documented by presentations at conferences, seminars, and workshops. URL https://opac.crzp.sk/?fn=detailBiblioForm&sid=4B1C4D75B6D4960DFAA504FA792C Báza dát xkni - KNIHY Druh dok. DPG - práce dizertačné doktorandské (PhD., Dr.) Počet ex. 1, z toho voľných 0 počítačový súbor
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Počet záznamov: 1