Počet záznamov: 1
Annals of Warsaw agricultural university
Názov Annals of Warsaw agricultural university Časť.dok. Forestry and wood technology Roč., číslo No. 49 (1999) Báza dát xjcp - PERIODIKÁ - Prijaté čísla Druh dok. BCA - časopisy Odkazy PERIODIKÁ-Súborný záznam periodika ČLÁNKY 1999: A contribution to the Central European species of the genus Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792, Acoustic emission in wood cutting by means of chain saw, Dickenquellung und Gleichgewichtsfeuchtigkeit vom Span-, Faser-und mitteldichten Platten, Ein Versuch über die Reinwichte des Holzes, Experimental concepts on wood drying with the use of direct conversion of solar energy, Field performance of 20 Polish provenances of Scots pine at a study plot in the Rogów Forest Experimental Station, Height growth of trees in unevenaged Scots pine stands, Influence of temperature on rheological properties of phenolic adhesive resins, Phenol-formaldehyde resin PF-51 in fibreboard production, Preliminary studies upon the Platysoma complex, Review of the state of knowledge on a threatened synanthropic millipede Orthomorpha gracilis C.L.Koch, Spiders in strata structure of fresh pine forest, The content of ash and nutrients in the needles of 1/2 Scots pine seedlings representing 20 domestic provenances, The effect of knots on the changes of cellulose and lignin contents in the knot adjacent pinewood, The investigation of the durability of wood fire protection after its impregnation with antipirene Fobos M-2, The investigation of the usefulness of thermoplastic polymers for the production of carpenters' hot-melt adhesives, Über den Einfluss, den das Auslaugen unserer wichtigsten... Hölzer... auf die technischen Eigenschaften... dieser Hölzer ausübt. Nach Pliwa [1896], Über die Alterung von Bildträgern, Untersuchungen zur Spannungsentwicklung im zu trocknenden Holz Odkazy Katalóg - PERIODIKÁ - Súborný záznam periodika Katalóg - PERIODIKÁ - Zviazaný ročník periodika (19) Katalóg - ČLÁNKY Obsah Ein Versuch über die Reinwichte des Holzes / Mieczyslaw Matejak Über den Einfluss, den das Auslaugen unserer wichtigsten... Hölzer... auf die technischen Eigenschaften... dieser Hölzer ausübt. Nach Pliwa.. / Marek Jablonski, Tomasz Uchman,.. Über die Alterung von Bildträgern / Jaroslaw Górski, Mieczyslaw Matejak Dickenquellung und Gleichgewichtsfeuchtigkeit vom Span-, Faser- und mitteldichten (MDF) Platten / Peter Niemz, Mieczyslaw Matejak,.. Untersuchungen zur Spannungsentwicklung im zu trocknenden Holz / G. Bernatowicz Acoustic emission in wood cutting by means of chain saw / Jaroslaw Górski Experimental concepts on wood drying with the use of direct conversion of solar energy / Slawomir Smolinski Phenol-formaldehyde resin PF-51 in fibreboard production / Danuta Nicewicz Influence of temperature on rheological properties of phenolic adhesive resins / Stanislaw Proszyk, Tomasz.. The investigation of the durability of wood fire protection after its impregnation with antipirene Fobos M-2 / Jan Osipiuk The investigation of the usefulness of thermoplastic polymers for the production of carpenters' hot-melt adhesives / Barbara Gos...[et al.] The effect of knots on the changes of cellulose and lignin contents in the knot adjacent pinewood (Pinus sylvestris L.) / Donata Krutul, Dymitr Kazem-Bek A contribution to the Central European species of the genus Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792 (Coleoptera, Anobiidae, Dorcatominae) / Jerzy Borowski Spiders in strata structure of fresh pine forest (Leucobryo - Pinetum) / Dariusz Legowski Review of the state of knowledge on a threatened synanthropic millipede Orthomorpha gracilis C.L.Koch (1887) / Kazimiera Gromysz-Kalkowska...[et.. The content of ash and nutrients in the needles of 1/2 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings representing 20 domestic provenances / Stanislaw Gunia, Wlodzimierz.. Field performance of 20 Polish provenances of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) at a study plot in the Rogów Forest Experimental Station / Stanislaw Gunia, Henryk Zybura Height growth of trees in unevenaged Scots pine stands / Arkadiusz Bruchwald Preliminary studies upon the Platysoma complex (Col. Histeridae) / Slawomir Mazur nerozpoznaný
Počet záznamov: 1